WA Championship

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WA Championship

Post by Zondrae » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:53 am

No official results posted as yet but...

I believe Irene Conner took out the State performance Championship. Congratulations Irene.

Edit: please note the above should read " almost took out"....
Zondrae King
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Re: WA Championship

Post by Irene » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:45 am

Hi Zondrae
Not quite - I was placed third in the state championships, but won the open traditional section. The overall championship was won by Peter Blyth, and runner up was Bill Gordon. Will post all the individual results when I get back home - am in Perth just now.
It was a great competition - Mel, Susie and Neil judged, with help from a local each time - and they were very impressed with the standard of the competition. Susie and Mel will be writing a wrap up from a judges point of view to combine with other reports to be send to Frank for inclusion in the magazine.
I will just mention that the Yarnspinning was won by our very own Dave Smith!!!! A big congratulations to Dave - it was his first ever competition!!

And yes Marty - I was very pleased with my 3rd place in the championships. I am still not real comfortable standing up reciting in front of a crowd - I much prefer to write than recite - and my nervousness shows through. (Plus I don't do humour, so my score in that let me down!! lol)
The fellow who won - Peter Blyth - has been reciting for a long time, as has Bill Gordon, although what is great to see is that Bill has just started writing his own poetry!! In the past, he recited a lot of traditional and contemporary pieces, but wrote his first poem when he went to the Gympie muster (the year before last, I think!) and Marco dropped him into the poets brawl!! So it was great to see him enter both the original humorous and original serious - and do real well in them!
The competition standard was high, particularly in the original serious, and the awards were well spread out across the different entries, so everyone who entered can be very proud of their performance.

Last edited by Irene on Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WA Championship

Post by Heather » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:50 am

Way to go Dave! You little champion!

Congratulations Irene on your place and win.

Heather :D

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Re: WA Championship

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:18 am

Sounds like you both did very well - carry on :lol: Great to hear such good news


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Re: WA Championship

Post by Irene » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:27 am

Thanks Heather and Maureen.
Maureen, you slipped that in while I was editing my original post!!

Will also post the results of the written competition when I get home and go through the paperwork I have bought back with me.

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Dave Smith
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Re: WA Championship

Post by Dave Smith » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:37 pm

Mates I had a great weekend am absolutely stoked. Elaine (wife) text all the kids and the answer she got back was “yeah duh you know he has always been a Bull**** artist” nice hey ya kids are supposed to love ya.

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Re: WA Championship

Post by Zondrae » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:22 pm

G'day Dave.

Never the less I bet they are bursting with pride and telling anyone who will listen. (like my old man does!)
Well done and good on you for having a go and excelling. Good yarnspinners are hard to find.

sorry to elevate you just a little too high. (I misunderstood your post on facebook) but maybe I am foreseeing the future.
You've done very well anyway. I'll go back and edit my original post to 'almost won'.
Zondrae King
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Dave Smith
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Re: WA Championship

Post by Dave Smith » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:32 pm

Thanks Zondrae

One thing that came out of the long weekend at Boyup Brooke, Elaine had some apprehension about spending the weekend with a whole bunch of bush poets. But found that she had a great time, so that’s gotta be good eh!

TTFN 8-)
I Keep Trying

william williams

Re: WA Championship

Post by william williams » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:35 pm

Con grat Dave and Irene on fine job you have done

Regards Bill the old Battler


Re: WA Championship

Post by Leonie » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:09 pm

Congrats Dave and Irene, well done. Image

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