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Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:40 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Just home from the Cobargo Folk Festival and have to report there was a great spoken word content this year with keen interest and good audiences. Two big poets breakfasts with a hundred strong audience each morning and between eighteen to twenty poets appearing, plus a concert featuring Maggie Murphy, Johnathon Bob Lyn (an Irishman who lives in Canada) Lorraine McCrimmon and yours truly, plus workshops and presentations by Maggie and Johnathon made for a very enjoyable and encouraging weekend. Some great poetry and surprising performances at the breakfasts augurs well for our art. Definitely recommend putting the festival on your calendar for next's a beaut!


Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:10 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Vic,

So sorry I missed seeing you and Helen at Cobargo. I was accepted and was on the programme to perform and hold a workshop but one of Wayne's sisters passed away and we had to go to Port Macquarie for the funeral.
So pleased the weekend went off well. Perhaps they will accept me for next year's festival.