Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

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Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by keats » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:51 am

Hard to believe that the 2014 TCMF has finished already! Day upon day of 40 degree weather failed to temper the enthusiasm of the crowds which filled the famous Goonoo Goonoo Room at the Longyard Hotel. (Three full houses and most of the other days were close) paid testament to the fact that Bush Poetry as a Comedy Medium will forever pull huge crowds. A distinct increase in young people turning up for the shows was extremely encouraging also, and great for the future of the performing craft.

Each Day, Australia's oldest Bush Poet's Breakfast Venue served up a smorgasbord of Australia's premier Performing Bush Poets. Old hands such as Ray Essery, Marco Gliori, Murray Hartin, Prousty, Jack Drake, Bill Kearns, Greg North etc. stood aside first time performers Lyn Tarring, Kathie Priestly and Rhonda Tallnash, while two of the Longyards favourite performers from the past again made a return to the stage, Glenny Palmer and Greg Scott. Our Comedy Musos Dave Prior and Errol Gray were exceptional, while stand-up comic/poet/balladeer Brad Maclean, again showed why he is such a great performer to have on board. Garry Lowe, Col Driscoll, Geoffrey Graham and co. continued to slay the crowds and working as compare and organiser, myself and Colleen could not have asked for a better crew to work with. Big thanks to my 'right hand man' Raymondo Essery, who would be one of the best performers and most professional and wisest head in the business at present.

The feeling of belonging, trust in material, audience acceptance of our material, and an overall relaxed and stress free feeling 'out back' before taking the stage, is hopefully contributing to some of the brilliant brackets we witnessed this year!
Next year is already booked in and another crew will be put together around September, with one of the main aims next year being to try to boost the female performance numbers, as there seems to be a lack of female performers around at the moment which is at odds with the increase in numbers and quality of the females in competition, although hopefully it will transform itself over the next few years.

Again, a big thanks to all involved for making Tamworth 2014 one of the most successful yet and setting the agenda for expectations in years to come!

Neil McArthur


Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:56 am

Full house every day, and the audience response? Well I didn't hear much over the laughter, but I did see a lot of happy people. And you're right, lots of young people.
Well done Neil ... :D

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Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:45 pm

Good onya Neil and all the crew but could you please define YOUNG ? Is that really young or younger than you ? :lol: :lol:

which would mean bloody old.

;) ;) Bob
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Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by keats » Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:00 pm

Yeah, good onya Bob!!!!! lol By young, I mean people in their thirties and early forties which is very young compared to a vast majority of our audiences. Young families with little kids were also noticeable. So all looking good for the future, except for us old poets!!!!!!!!1


Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:15 pm

... and the twenty somethings were also well represented when I walked through on Wednesday morning ...

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Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:34 pm

You were representing 20 year olds Manny you cradle snatcher.

Well done Neil mate one day one day I will make it down.

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Re: Longyard Poets Breakfasts 2014

Post by Robyn » Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:06 pm

It was certainly a great show Neil, and congratulations on the three full houses. Fantastic!
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

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