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Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:47 am
by Zondrae
Thanks Marty,

For taking the time and trouble to report on Bungendore. It it great to hear of the different events that we can't get to. Not only does it endorse the fact that Bush Poetry is alive and well and playing to real live audiences but it also lets us see the standard of the various performers (that we can only hope to get near with lots of experience). Also these gatherings make an opportunity for us to meet each other. At the National Folk Festival, I have met a dozen or more of the people I interact with on this site. If not for the National They would still be just names. Now I can call them friends.

Also, well done for getting through the very stressful 'performance' in front of the gathered dignitaries.

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:51 am
by keats
Good on ya Marty and that's what it's all about. If you don't get along and have a crack at some of these comps you never get a gauge on where you were at and what you need to do to improve your performing. This is the first year I have missed watching the comp finals, due to another commitment but did have Peely on at the Longyard to do his Elvis one!! Well, what can I say lol. Great stuff mate, it's all about having fun as well as making new friends and I do hope to meet you at one of the festivals soon.

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:37 pm
by Zondrae
I can fully recommend the National. You can camp on site and let your hair down. Stay up late in the session bar or other bars. Have a go at each Poets Breskfast (all 4 official ones) and stay Monday night and participate in the last Hurrah. In the past, the Troubador tent has opened on Tuesday Morning. Everything else is finished but we poets, those who can, stay on for a last breakfast concert. Singing is allowed. I just may bring my Ukulele. (and you never know Stephen Whiteside may bring his Banjo). It is totally laid back at that stage and we often have been able to do a couple of poems at a time. David Meyers will be sorely missed as he has been MC the last few years.

Majors Creek is on in November and It is a nice little festival. Again camp on site. Although they have not been in the habit of having poets do concerts, I intend to suggest it. They have two Poets Breakfasts.

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:55 pm
by Peely
G'day All

Not long back from Bungendore. I enjoyed both poets breakfasts that I attended (as a spectator and as a performer). It was great meeting a number of poets for the first time, including Marty Boyce, Heather Knight and Grahame Watt. It was also great catching up with others that I already know including Frank Daniel, Bill Williams, Barry Martin, Greg North, Laurie McDonald, Lorraine McCrimmon, Mark Thompson, Campbell the Swaggie and John and Ruth Davis. If there is anyone that I saw that I have missed listing here, I make my apologies but as you can see there were a number of very talented poets in attendance.

I must have seen a bit much country music on Saturday night, I found myself singing Clancy of the Overflow in the same style as the country musicians while I was in the car on the way home. :lol:


John Peel

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:23 pm
by william williams
Many thanks Peely for your thanks and thank you and congrats to all of you who helped to make Bungendore a sucsess. Not often do we have one moderator at our humble gathering but to have two meaning Heather Knight as well was a very welcome addition to the gathering as you have said, I think every performers names but there is one queastion on my lips is do you wear braces under your shirt for your your trousers if not with all that shakeing by Elvis how do you keep them up. It is great to see young newcomers come on the scene (Marty and Heather) you've both been blooded now so keep at it and on that note a great weekend was had by all

Bill The Old Battler

Peely when you sang along with Clancy of the overflow I hope you never thought of Gregory Norths interpretation with his pink hat and boa

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:25 pm
by Peely
G'day Bill

I had a belt on for the Elvis performance, so there shouldn't have been any problem as far as losing the trousers goes (it was strapped up nice and tight :lol: ). A pink hat and boa might have went over pretty well singing on the main stage at the country music (that might have livened things out there up a bit :lol: ).


John Peel

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:50 pm
by Darren
It sounds like Heather had a good time on Saturday when she rang last night. Said the comedy act was hilarious. :lol:

I hope she behaved herself. She doesn't often get away on her own. I have seen the photos from the last trip with the bush fire group with masks and strange hats so that is a bit of a worry. :o

I think, like you Marty, she may be getting addicted to these festivals.

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:08 pm
by william williams
Darren :o don't worry about these young'ns like Heather, Peely and Marty :roll: us oldies we're just worrying about keeping up the pace struth ELVIS just got of the station at Queanbeyan wearing a pink cowboy hat and a pink feather boa and blue suede shoes and singing out where has that inpersonator Peely got to(what have you been telling him Peely)

bill the old battler

Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:16 pm
by Frank Daniel
Hello all, I'm only just home from Bungendore. 7.30pm Monday night.
I spent today visiting 'lations and going over some historic photographs of the Daniel clan.
Part of today was taken up in securing accommodation in Canberra for my youngest daughter Lucy who will be taking up a graphic arts course at the CIT in Reid, as of next Monday. Now we're in a hell of a rush to get things mobile for this.
I would like to thank those who took part in the Bungendore Poets Turnout on the weekend, I think it was a pretty good show, but somewhat lacking in numbers audience and poet wise.
I was absolutely impressed with the poems presented by newcomers Heather Knight and Marty Boyd. I'm sure they'll both go a long way in the poetry game.
It was great to see John Peel turn up for the two days, along with John Davis, Laurie McDonald who paid tribute to the late David Meyers, Lorraine McCrimmon, Mark 'Bushie' Thompson, Campbell Irving, William Williams, Barry Martin, Greg North, and Graeme 'Skew Whiff' Watt from Tormina near Coffs Harbour. It was his first visit to Bungendore and he's promised to return next year.
Highlights of the Saturday morning were the Greg's Stick It poem and his camp rendition of 'Cluncy'.
Sundays big impression was John Peels 'Elvis is still alive' which kept the crowd engaged.
The hip swivelling, gyrating, whole hunka poet was certainly a convincing sight for sore eyes.
Greg and John definitely take the cake as entertainers.


Re: Bungendore Poets sessions Day 1

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:09 am
by Heather
Just home - exhausted from the drive back from Bungendore. I had a fantastic time and it was great to meet those I know from the forum - Frank, John Peel, Marty Boyce and Bill. It was a wonderful opportunity for new comers like myself and Marty to watch and hear the accomplished poets do their stuff. Very, very entertaining.

Marty did very well reciting his two poems. I had people come up to me and congratulate me on my soldier poem and had one lady request a copy for her son in the army as well as one lady who was still in tears the next day over it. Nice to know my poem can touch people like that.

Thanks to Frank for the guided tour of his old stomping ground on Saturday afternoon - had a grand old tour and saw places I would not have otherwise seen. Thanks Frank.

Heather :)