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Competition now open

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:17 pm
by Zondrae
Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival
25th - 27th October
Written Poetry Competition. 2013

Rules & Conditions:
Section 1: Child (Under 12 Years) no fees
Section 2: Youth (12 to 17 years) no fees
Section 3: OPEN (over 18 yrs) Rhyme and Metre (Bush) Poetry - Entry fee $5. per poem
Section 4: Crystal Creek Meadows Award; Mid week stay for two (conditions apply )
Any style of Poetry. Theme ‘Hand Made Vs Mass Produced’

* Entries will be numbered and authors name must not appear on the poem.
* Entries may be jointly written but all author names must be noted on the entry form.
* Section 3: Poems not necessarily about the bush but should be something Australian,
must have consistent rhyme, and metre. (Bush Poetry) and not have won any first place.
* Sections 1, 2, and 4: all styles of poetry will be accepted.
* Closing date: 4th October 2013
* Entry fee - Open (section 3) only is: $5 per poem - no limit to the number of poems entered
* Cheque or Money Order to be made to ‘Shoalhaven Folk Club Inc.’

Addressed to : Secretary - Poetry Competition,
30 Station Street, Corrimal East NSW 2518

Entry forms from KVFF website or
or Aust. Bush Poets Assn. website go to ‘events’ page.

First Place: Sections 1, 2 and 3 will receive a certificate and a distinctive trophy,
hand crafted by local artist: Antony Bunyan.

and Second place: certificate Third Place: certificate
‘Highly Commended’ and ‘Commended’ Certificates may also be awarded
Section 4 will receive the Crystal Creek Meadows prize and a certificate.

All place getters will be advised beforehand and invited to perform their poem at the presentation
(please provide a day time phone number) and will receive a day pass to the festival.

Prizes presented at Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival, Saturday 26th October 2013
* Judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
* Copyright remains with the author/s but permission is granted for the KVFF to reproduce and/or
distribute the Poems to promote or advertise the event.

**Please sign your entry form as agreement with these conditions.

Entry Form:
**Name not to appear on the poems.

....................................... Postcode.........................
Telephone: .........................Mobile.......................
Please use a separate entry form for each section.
Entries for Section;

Title of Poems:.
for additional poems please use another sheet of paper. (or list below)
Fees Enclosed $________ (Open) Section 3 only $5 per poem
Cheque or money order to: Shoalhaven Folk Club Inc.
I hereby agree to abide by all rules and conditions implied or stated:

signed........................................................... (entrant) CLOSING DATE: 4th October 2013

signed....................................................................................(Parent or Guardian)..................................................................

Signed: if co- author..................................................................................

Zondrae King
a woman of words

any further enquiries to