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Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:29 am
by Vic Jefferies
----- Original Message -----
From: Vic Jeffries
To: vic jefferies
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:55 AM


G'day Everyone,

Hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and that you are looking forward to a bigger, better and successful new year and here we are with your very first missive from the GBPs for 2011!

Yep, next Wednesday night the fabulous Gosford Bush Poets commence their 2011 season with another great night of fun, frivolity, friendship and fine poetry commencing at 7pm at the best pub in Gosford, the mighty Gosford Hotel, Mann Street Gosford, just across the road from the railway station.

I know next Wednesday is Australia Day, but what a great way to celebrate the birth of our nation by coming along to share your favourite Australian poem with us or to simply enjoy the presentations of our many talented poets, versifiers, yarn spinners and songster(s).

We would love to see you come and join us for dinner in the hotel's brilliant bistro from about 5.30pm onwards. The tucker is always good and moderately priced and it really does add to the enjoyment of the night to share a good meal with good company.

Admission as always is absolutely free and we really are looking forward to seeing not only our many friends from last year (and previous years) but as many newcomers as possible. If you happen to know someone who writes, recites or simply enjoys poetry and or a good night out, please tell them about the GBPs and encourage them to come along, better still bring them with you!

Peter is away in Tamworth at the moment so for further information contact me (Vic Jefferies) on 0425252212 or simply reply to this email.

Very Best Regards,

Vic Jefferies


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:07 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Although our numbers were down to twenty six instead of the usual fifty to sixty people (due we think to the oppressive heat and the fact that it was Australia Day) the last meeting of the Gosford Bush Poets was a brilliant night of fun friendship and fine poetry that augurs well for the GBPs 2011 season.
We had an eclectic selection of fine original and traditional work presented during the evening by fourteen poets and we hope that you and your friends will be able to come and join us when we meet again on he last Wednesday night of this month at the Gosford Hotel.

Vic Jefferies