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Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:24 am
by Zondrae
Weekend 12th - 15th January
Anyone finding themselves in the area on that weekend - Illawarra Folk Festival is looming.

Starting on Thursday at around 2pm with Greg North, Jim Haynes, Brian Bell, (and me) as well as other poets - then on to a full three day festival of music, dance, workshops and many spoken word events. It is a great festival. Full session tickets $130.00.

There are Limericks, Yarn Spinning, One minute poems, as well as the usual Poets Breakfasts and concerts - so if you are in the area it is a value packed weekend. and my favourite festival performer.... Enda Kenny!

There are even Ukulele workshops and concerts. I am in the Swingalele Orchestra which will perform at 7pm on Friday evening.

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:26 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Go Zondrae! You enjoy yourself. :D

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:54 pm
by Zondrae
Thanks Glenny,

I didn't mention I am on the performer list for the spoken word programme. Three poets breakfasts, and they rope me in to the one minute wonders (shot poems) the Limericks and the Yarn spinning. I also have two scheduled concerts. A busy but exciting weekend.

We are fortunate to be so close to Sydney and have regular attendance by many good reciters. Peter Mace, John Dengate, Barry Lake, Lorraine McCrimmon (from Bungendore) Mike Richter. I am pleased to report that Vic Jefferies will be rejoining the circuit in February ( now that his beloved Helen is well again).

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:34 pm
by Peter Mace
See you down there Zondrae, have bought a second hand van unseen, will be picking it up on Wednesday, providing I can get it from Bargo to Bulli!!

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:33 am
by Zondrae
G'day Peter,

Lets hope this one makes it to Tamworth without being stolen - like the last one was.

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:16 am
by Peter Mace
Have to tie a guard dog to it, one that can run at 80k's for long distances.

Am doing a gig at West Taree Bowling club tomorrow with Bill Kearns, Gabby and Ken Lindsay if anyone is in the area.

Re: Illawarra Folk Festival

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:17 am
by Zondrae
Fantastic weekend! We had the great pleasure of a poets list to be proud of.

It is hard to pick a headliner from Graham Johnson (The Rhymer from Ryde), Greg North, Peter Mace, Jim Haynes, Brian Bell, Barry Lake, and Campbell (The Swaggie). We also have a list of well known regulars including Alan Stone, Mike Richter, Alan Wright, Chris Woodland and the rainbow bearded Feral. (EDIT: I knew I'd forget someone.... The inimitable 'Arch' Bishop.)

One of the IBP who is fast becoming a powerful presenter is Steve Caskey and a few visiting performers to Illawarra were Ron Bull, Ron Brown and Barry Parks (Hornsby Folk Club). Sunday we were joined by yet another of the IBP, Ron Halsey. I noticed there were not to many women this year, Jan Lewis, Ella Edwards, myself and Gina Langley are a few names that come to mind. I do hope my memory has not failed me and that I have remembered all the poets who delighted the large crowd during the two hours we had on each of the three mornings. The final act on Sunday was Nick Lock who, with indulgence from the MC, sang a Lawson Poem and incited a standing ovation, a fitting end to a wonderful festival.

We all missed the veteran performer, Viv Sawyer who is in Hospital. Best wishes for a swift recover to Viv.

IBP being the local group of writers Illawarra Breakfast poets wo meet every Wednesday at 7am at Coniston.