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Bush Poets' Breakfast 11th Dec

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:12 am
by margymac
This morning saw three new performers' faces at the Bush Poets' Breakfast at BG's Cafe, Tondoon Botanic Gardens, and they, together with two returning poets, (including yours truly) certainly entertained a VERY appreciative crowd on the deck of the information centre. The beautiful surrounds of Tondoon Lake and Gardens were enjoyed by all since this time it was minus the smoke and cold of last the breakfast.
Trevor Plaxton, Donna Whitfield, Bob and Beryl Beale and myself rambled on for almost two hours and the audience never shifted in their seats until the fat lady (me) utterred her last note.
All wish to return again on 11th March, 2012 for the next one. Our meal was most delectable and not a skerrick was left on a plate. A fully plated meal with juice and two hours of entertainment is great value for just $12 per head. It's a pity that not more people take advantage of the opportunity, we can seat at least 20 more people on the deck, so spread the word.
Thanks all,
Margy Mac

Re: Bush Poets' Breakfast 11th Dec

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:02 pm
by Zondrae
g'day Margy,

please excuse my ignorance, but where are the Tondoon gardens? I've not heard of them before. What is the nearest big town? a clue please.