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Re: Wool wagaon awards

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:08 am
by william williams
To those who were there from the forum on Friday at Frank Daniel Tribute night I must apologizes and I make are no excuses, Well! Maybe just a little one NERVES it is called
I was standing before my peers, the likes of Frank Daniel’s, Jim Lowe, Gregory North. And a room of mostly strangers and me rather unsettled a certain recipe for my!!!!
I just Stuffed up, four major mistakes I made. Thank goodness I wasn’t in the Performers comp Good luck to you both Sue (Mummsie) and Marty ( MartyBoy) for your placings in the novice section

Bill the old Battler

Re: Wool wagaon awards

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:14 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Congrats to those who did well and congrats to Bill as well for having a go - you just got an extra X on the X-factor scoreboard is all Bill :lol: :lol:

Nil desperandum - onwards and upwards



Re: Wool wagaon awards

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:20 am
by Zondrae

Why didn't you come and introduce yourself.! I didn't know you were there. My husband and I went fairly early and didn't see you 'get up'. I would have come over to you if I knew you were there.

As it is I met Sue, Heather, Will Moody (who did not compete but acted as scrutineer) and Tom McIlveene who are all members and site users. I also renewed my friendships with John Peel, Peter Mace, Frank Daniel, Brian Bell, Jim Brown, Greg North and Terry Reagan..also, winner of the Novice section, was - Allan Stone who is not an ABPA member. I have performed with Allen at the Poets Breakfasts at every Kangeroo Valley festival since it began five years ago.

A bit of a surprise that our one and only HEATHER turned up. She kept her intentions under wraps. She has photos. She did make it and was railroaded into entering the novice section. She tried to get all the forum users who were present in the one photo. I'm sure she will be posting a report in the near future along with an item for Frank to add to the magazine. Please see the official report for results.. This is only as I think I remember it.. and may not be accurate.

I Know John Peel won one section - Peter Mace also took out one section. and Garry Lowe took out one section and the Championship. Terry Reagan also took out a section.

Ladies were well represented by Robyn Sykes and Janet Mophett (or Moppett, or perhaps Moffett not sure. can someone inform me please) and I just went along for the experience.

It was heart warming to hear all the caring and thoughtful accolades for Frank Daniel. It was also a treat to see Frank competing and performing up there with the best.

Regarding the Written Section: I believe both Glenny Palmer ( I think she won the ? Humorous section) and Carol Heuchan (?? sorry I didn't catch what her award was for) received some award.

Re: Wool wagaon awards

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:27 pm
by manfredvijars
Congratulations to all who attended ... and also to Robyn Sykes, our newest Forum member ... :)

Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:21 pm
by Peely
G'day All

I'm back from Crookwell. From what I remember, the winners (and some of the placegetters) in each of the performance sections were:

Novice: 1st Allan Stone ("Caravanning Bliss" by Bob Magor); 2nd Sue Pearce ("Dad" - Thanks Sue); 3rd Marty Boyce ("Herding Cats")
Contemporary: 1st Garry Lowe ("Raymond" by Bobby Miller); 2nd John Peel ("Fishing" by Eno Liar (Max Peel - my grandfather)); 3rd Terry Reagan
Traditional: 1st Ken Tough ("Outback" by Henry Lawson)
Original Serious: 1st John Peel ("An Autumn Night in the Mountains")
Original Humorous: 1st Peter Mace (His poem about Arch Bishop getting trapped in a Portaloo - not sure of the title)

Garry Lowe took out two more of the placings - I can't remember in exactly what sections they were for.
Terry Reagan ended up with two seconds and two thirds - I have one listed, but I'm not sure exactly what they were for (one in each of the other sections).
Robyn Sykes was also a placegetter - in the original serious I think. Now she is a member, hopefully she can confirm (welcome to the forum, Robyn).

Tom McIlveen won the open serious written and also two of the highly commendeds in that section. Marty already mentioned these and his own prize for "The Handpiece Made of Glass".
Carol Heuchan was the open humorous written winner if my memory serves me correctly.

(I will correct things here or make some additions if anyone has more details)

It was great to catch up with my fellow poets that were in attendance (the ones that I already know and the ones that I have only just met). The standard of the competition was extremely high - the judges would have had a very difficult task separating the placegetters. Congratulations to all the placegetters and to everyone one else who entered for helping to push the standard to such a high level.

If anything, it has proven that I need to sit down and work on a few more original serious poems for performance - which means I have to write some more poems along those lines. I don't have all that many that would suit at the moment. I now know that I can at least deliver my own serious poems at a high enough standard (my previous wins with my original poems in performance competitions all contained humour).


John Peel

Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:46 am
by Zondrae
Thank John.

for correcting my errors. It was so exciting, and as I said I didn't write things down. I know Heather asked Robyn to take notes, so they will give an official report.

Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:22 am
by Terry
Congratulations to all,
Sounds like it was a great weekend.


Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:52 pm
by Heather
Hi all, having a little stop over in Tumut with Sue and Ron on my way home. Sue has gone out for the night and left me to do the dishes! :roll:

I think Marty is working on a full list of place getters - stay tuned. Fantastic weekend - so much talent around and it was wonderful to put faces to names and to catch up with others met previously. Lots to tell, too tired right now. Put it on your calender for next year though.

Heather :)

Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:40 pm
by Zondrae
Great Idea Marty,

I have become totally confused. (not unusual for me)

Re: Wool wagon awards

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:41 pm
by Heather
Mrs. Spud gave me a print out for the written results. It's not a full list of winners but is all I have so here goes:

Original Serious1st Tom Mcilveen (go Tom!)
HC Glenny Palmer
HC Tom Mcilveen
HC Joyce Gaul
HC Tom Mcilveen

Brenda Joy
David Campbell
Brenda Joy
Arthur Green
Ellis Campbell

Original Comedy
First Carol Heuchan
There were four HC awards but Mrs. Spud has forgotten to write the names down - sorry! Maybe Marty can get them from her..

Commended were
Tony Hammill
Grahame Watt
Carolyn Eldridge-Alfonzetti
Ron Stevens
Grahame Watt