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Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:18 am
by margymac
The Bush Poets' Breakfast held for the first time at Tondoon Botanic Gardens in Gladstone was well attended by poets as well as a small but very supportive audience. (Margy's Rent-a-Crowd does it again!)
Starting a little after 7.15am in a cool and smokey environment, the Poets had a hard time remembering lines, however the audience was most forgiving and the breakfast provided by BG's Cafe staff, Debbie, Chantelle and the crew was most delicious.
Presentations on the morning were humorous and well recieved from Bob Pacey, Leanne Strauss, Beryl Beale, Malcolm Hannah, Julie Jenkinson and yours truly, Margy McArdle. Old friendships were re-ignited and new friendships made.
December 11th from 8am is set for the next breakfast at the same venue. The committee hopes to see you all there.
Bookings can be made for the breakfast by phoning Debbie or Chantelle on 49790993, $12 per person gets you a lovely plated meal with tea or coffee. The Cafe also has esspresso coffee available for sale.
Looking forward to getting my practice up for this one!
A great big thank you to all who attended this time.

Re: Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:41 pm
by Kym
Hi Margy,

I heard from Bob and Malcolm that it was a lovely morning. Sorry I couldn't be there (did you get my email?) but we had a family working bee happening to get this cubby/slide/swingset/playground mansion assembled. Had the slaves (hubbie and three son-in-laws) in action. Someone had to stay and keep cracking the whip (and serving cake) to keep them working.

I've written Dec 11th in my diary and hopefully I'll make it to your next event. I know Malcolm is planning on going to the next one. He's keen to get more involved in performing.

See ya,


Re: Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:49 pm
by Heather
How is Malcolm, Kym? Say hello to him from me when you see him next..


Re: Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:53 pm
by Kym
Malcolm has just got back from overseas (Europe), lucky man, and he is is now my mentor at Toastmasters. I asked him what a mentor's role is exactly, and he said he's my very own person one-man cheer squad and that he will always lead the applause for me after my speeches. Isn't that nice of him?

Everyone should have a Malcolm ...

Re: Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:54 pm
by Heather
I do. My brother is a Malcolm! Aren't I lucky? He's a nice brother.

Heather :)

Re: Gladstone Bush Poets' Breakfast

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:03 pm
by Bob Pacey
Whada mean poets forgot the lines ????

Hey Leanne Strauss is a card gotta get that girl back into poetry full time.

Previously Leanne Jeacocke.

Yeah Margy a good morning and can only get bigger. Bit later start maybe and less of the fire front.

Cheers See ya
