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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:05 pm
by Frank Daniel
Wombat Pub Poets.
Young Bush Poetry Group is hosting its second open mic session
at the Wombat Hotel on Sunday 25th September at 7pm.
The first session held in August was a raging success so it's time for an encore.
Come along and enjoy a good night listening to Bush poetry or a good bush yarn.
Muso’s are welcome - bring your fiddle, harmonica, squeeze box, banjo or whatever. Entrance is gold coin donation to contribute to junior poets competition prizes.
Drinks, tea and coffee available at bar prices.
Youngsters welcome in non bar areas.

More info? Ring Greg Broderick on 6382 2506 or Ted Webber on 6382 7728


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:42 am
by william williams
Now Frank I see Wombats poetry is on once again and yes I’ll be there and also you said you can get Wombat eggs there too. Now are they Fried, Poached, Scrambled or just plain straight Hard Boiled

Now if you can get there it will be a good night so see you then

bill the old battler