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Writers of Tomorrow - Dorothea mackellar Poetry Awards.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:20 am
by Duncan Williams
The 28th staging of the national Dorothea mackellar Poetry Awards went off without a hitch in Gunnedah last friday with judges Joannne Horniman and Sally Murphy praising the high standard of entries.
more than 8000 students entered poems in this years competition shows that there is poetry being 'read, talked about, taught and written in many Australian schools. the winning entries and judges comments are on the website

Re: Writers of Tomorrow - Dorothea mackellar Poetry Awards.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:53 am
by Heather
Thanks for posting the link Duncan. I've had a read of the senior students' poems and there is some great reading there. There are some very talented young people in this country. :) Going to read some more...

Heather :)

Re: Writers of Tomorrow - Dorothea mackellar Poetry Awards.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:02 pm
by Bob Pacey
8000 entries Duncan someone is doing a good job getting the word out there.

Loaned a young bloke a hat , shirt and a vest today for a school performance tomorrow at St Brendans College so it's getting the message though somehow.

Will have a read tonight when i get more time.
