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Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:46 pm
by Heather
Today I took myself off to Melbourne to the Henry Lawson M & LS meeting. Didn't realise it was actually the AGM as well. A couple of interesting observations.

The society has about 85 members. Has an ageing membership.

Has a new and very high quality newsletter.

Has sponsorship from Australian Unity which partially sponsors the newsletter and the Bryan Kelleher Literary Award.

They have had 432 entries in the Bryan Kelleher Literary Award and offered those that entered a free 6mths membership and have had an uptake of 107 Australia wide -not bad. Keeping them and having them pay up the next step.

Have a desire to take Lawson's poetry back into the schools - occurred to me that ABPA and other like minded groups Australia wide should be working together to have Australian poetry back in schools.

Had very little, if any knowledge of the ABPA and none of this forum. I think a couple will have a look now (doing my little bit Mannie! :D )

Re: Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:51 pm
by Bob Pacey
Yeah Heather I find it strange the number of people who do not know about the ABPA.

I now try to get it to the fore every time i perform and gave out two membership forms at Wowan today.

Just got to keep trying.


Re: Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:59 am
by Zondrae
Morning all,
I too, always mention Abpa. I have had one or two people come back with positive comments on the site. Also had one pensioner ask is there a discount. I wasn't. Sure about this. When we have new members at IBP,I usually take an old magazine in to show them.

I can't think of other ways to promote the ABPA that won't cost.

Re: Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:49 am
by David J Delaney
I too, plug ABPA where & when I can, good plug on American Cowboy site & in my new book, etc, etc.