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Tamworth Children's Bush Poetry Competition - CANCELLED

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:02 pm
by manfredvijars
Essential Energy, formerly Country Energy, have decided not to
sponsor the Children's Bush Poetry Competition in Tamworth in 2012.
The Tamworth Poetry Reading Group apologises to anyone who was preparing to enter this competition and would like to steer them towards the ABPA "You-Tube Student's Performance Competition" as announced in the last ABPA magazine.

The Essential Energy Tamworth Bush Poetry Competition will be held as usual. Dates are 24, 26,27 and 28 January 2012. Entry forms will be available from 1st October.

Jan Morris

Re: Tamworth Children's Bush Poetry Competition - CANCELLED

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:26 am
by Bob Pacey
Thats a real shame Manfred. Keep plugging mate I'm sure we will make headway.

I have planted the seed in a couple of the country schools for a comp for their local shows and may not see any action till next year but it will happen.
