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The Broken Ski Award

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:21 pm
by Zondrae
The Broken Ski Award is an email, written competition, held in conjunction with the Snowy Mountains of Music Festival. that was on over the June long weekend in the Perisher/Smiggins Ski resort of NSW.
A panel of judges expressed their surprise at both the number of entries received and how high the standard of the entries submitted was. They had some difficulty in separating the top few poems. They had several get togethers before deciding on the winner and runner up.
After the final round of discussions there was one poem that stood out in both the story line and technical merit.

The winner of the Broken Ski Award for 2011 is Carol Heuchan with her poem 'Trails.'
A Highly Commended was awarded to Don Adams of New Zealand with his poem 'The Fate of The Brumbies'