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Melbourne ARVOs

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:01 am
by Stephen Whiteside
I attended my first meeting of the Melbourne ARVOs (Australian Rhyming Verse Orators) for quite a while last Sunday. My son and I go sailing together in the summer months, but as winter approaches I head instead to the ARVOs on the first Sunday of every month.

We had a great turn-out last week at the Scout Hall at the Jack O'Toole Reserve in Kew, with 12 reciters in all. It took about an hour to get through us all, and there was time for two rounds plus a good break for afternoon tea during the course of the afternoon. There was an extensive supply of milled cedar to complement the heavy logs provided by convenor Jim Brown, so we had a roaring fire to keep us company during the course of the afternoon.

I met several poets for the first time, and was very impressed with the overall quality. I won't provide a list of names, as I only know many by their first names anyway.

Jim resurrected the ARVOs several years ago, and it has been slowly building ever since that time. If you ever find yourself at a loose end on the afternoon of the first Sunday of the month in Melbourne, come on down to the Jack O'Toole Reserve. You'll find yourself a warm welcome!