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Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:58 am
by Frank Daniel
The Third Billy Mateer Competition for Bush Verse (any setting, old or modern) which was regrettably cancelled in 2010 due to circumstances beyond our control, has been resumed under different (and the original) organisers.
The competition honours the memory of Billy Mateer, the stockman and drover who, in February 1893,under the direction of Henry Somerset of Caboonbah Station in the Brisbane Valley, performed a world-class ride of over forty miles in cyclonic conditions. This entailed riding across the rugged D’Aguilar Range to North Pine (Petrie) to wire a warning to Brisbane of severe oncoming floodwaters. Given the floods of 1974 and of January this year which devastated Brisbane, Billy’s ride is as relevant today as it was in 1893.
Entry forms may be downloaded from the ABPA website, or obtained from 1/560 Old Cleveland Rd, Camp Hill,Q4152 (send SAE). Prizes $250, $100, $50 plus certificates. Closes 31/08/11.