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Laggan this Sunday Afternoon

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm
by Zondrae
(I feel like a thief in the night)

This Sunday at Laggan Pub. QBP group are presenting poetry in the Pub. (I feel like I am stealing Dave's thunder somehow.) The folks from Spud Murphy's at Crookwell phoned me that's how I found out about it. I have spoken with them several times about the Wool Wagon Awards but have not met them. If anyone is in the area of Laggan, please drop in. (I'll be there) I believe it is kicking off round 12.30 Lunch is available. That's all I know about the event we should support our fellow poets.

Re: Laggan this Sunday Afternoon

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:45 am
by Zondrae
Report on Laggan, (through my eyes)

Having never been to Crookwell (or Laggan) it was a bit of an adventure. We left home at 7am and arrived at Crookwell just before 10. To judge the lay of the land we zipped over to Laggan and back and pulled into Spud Murphy's around 10.30. We were met by Barry and Denielle (our hosts) and Lorraine McCrimmon. After a quick settle in to our room we all headed to Laggan Pub to find most of the seats for the Poets luncheon were taken. Lorraine and I took a seat with the poets and Wayne sat in the 'other' dining room with the overflow crowd.

Laurie MacDonald of the Queanbeyan Bush Poets began proceedings by ringing the club cowbell. Present were QBP members, some local poets, members of the railway society, a representative of the local mayor, Lorraine McCrimmon from Bungendor and me from East Corrimal (Wollongong). Around 45 people attended. During lunch we progressed round the room and a great variety of poetry was well received. There will be more functions at Laggan including a real Bush Dance. So far they have found a dance Caller, a fiddle player and a button accordian player, all genuine old timers. A good afternoon was had by all. I'm sure Marty will keep us informed when the next event is on.