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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:48 pm
by Bob Pacey
Only used to do a few shows during the silly season Irene. the is when to vics come up but now I'm permanent i get to do them on a more regular basis.


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:14 am
by Kym
Hoy Bob, since the Dave Fest went off so well, should we plan a Heather Fest??? Now that we've got things figured out, the next one would be easier to organise ...

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:26 am
by Bob Pacey
I do not know Kym Heathers a pretty shy girl you know. We have a little time up our slieves so will see what we can get together. In Heathers own words she is coming to be entertained not to entertain.

Hey guys whilst I organised the venue Kym organised the food an extravaganzia ( not sure if thats right ) to temp the taste buds. sausages, bread, onions and coleslaw. Then we forgot the bloody desert.

A great night thanks Kym.

Ps Got a slot available at the Mount today around ten oclock if you fancy a drive.


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:15 am
by warooa
Great pics (hey Dave, how far north are you gunna drag them tree trunk legs mate!) and congrats on a great do. Have to catch the Kymbo and Bobbo showo some time soon.

Cheers, Marty

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:39 pm
by Neville Briggs
Sounds like you had a great time Bob. Is that a vest you're wearin or a Christmas tree? :lol: .

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:43 pm
by Bob Pacey
Nev you might remember a post I put up about looseing a fellow poet Rita Treka a few weeks back. Rita was a talented lady and was into recycled clothing. The vest was made up of material scraps and bits and pieces. Its got Aussie bush poet accross the back and Gidday Mate accross the front.

Hope it holds together for quite a while yet.

Cheers Bob

Gees I'm getting skinny must be all the good food I eat.

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:31 pm
by keats
Bob, just a quick word on the night you just had. Even our State and National Championships are poorly supported at present (by clubs not wanting to run them - plenty of poets still want to attend). To get this type of event going, encouraging poets to get up that don't normally perform and to give so many people the opportunity to look forward to the next night, has been, in my opinion, an exercise that you as a humble man, probably doen't really grasp the immensity of what you have achieved here.

I applaud you mate and if more people held these type of evenings for the public and just as importantly, for themselves, then the standard and mateship of Bush Poetry would blossom as never before. I am in Charters from the start of June to the end of July before heading down the Sunny Coast for some shows then Gympie, and if there is a night happening on my way from Charters down, Colleen and I would love to pop in and join in if it's ok with yourself and the others. I'll keep in touch anyway, and I'll be in Bundy as well, so you can let me know then.

But mate, if your arms are long enough, then give yourself and the crew a well deserved pat on the back. You poets make me feel so proud to be involved in this lifestyle.

Again, Congratulations, Mate.

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:52 pm
by keats
Sorry Marty, didn't mean to leave you out there. That's what I meant when I said it's people like you that are getting Poetry up and going again in a great social atmosphere for poets and audiences. What date is yours again? I'm working Wagga and then up to Casino in a couple of weeks.


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:02 pm
by keats
Bugger, first Wednesdays put me out this year and I'm over in SA on the September weekend, but that won't stop me passing the word on to the tourists and poets around the country as I talk to them.


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:56 pm
by Dave Smith
Martyboy the only thing that will stop me being at the Sep do will the lack of $$$$ but I am working on it.

Marty Cooktown did ya get my PM I need to be able to ring ya.

TTFN 8-)