WA Championship

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Trisha Patterson

Re: WA Championship

Post by Trisha Patterson » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:05 pm

Congratulations everyone! Really well done!

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Re: WA Championship

Post by Terry » Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:19 pm

Hi Everybody,
Just back today from down south where we dodged the heat wave they were having up here.
Thanks for the good wishes from you all, they are very much appreciated.
Unfortunately I missed Boyup Brook again this year, I had planned to get there for the weekend, but my mate John (he and his wife Anne come down to Peaceful Bay with us each year) developed a few health problems while we were there and although he urged me to go I was worried about him as Anne doesn't drive. I ended up running them into Denmark on the Monday where it was found he had a lung infection, they have now found he has a collapsed lung and he goes into hospital tomorrow for further tests.

It was great to see so many successful people from this site. A special congrats. to Irene who does so much work making sure our poetry comps. are successful - Good on you Irene and well done.

Well done mate I was really pleased to see you had done so well - cheers mate

What did I tell you, congratulations on your well deserved success.

Valerie, If you happen to see this well done (again)

And congratulations to everyone involved.

Many thanks for your kind words & wishes.
I entered three poems because it was a W.A. comp and I like to try and support them.
The one that missed out was my favorite, probably not helped by having a typo early in the piece, I'd changed a line and somehow left the 'Y" of the end of 'THEY". I also somehow managed to have a comma mysteriously appear in a totally inappropriate place in the poem that got the H/C, Yea I know I'm hopeless .
I will post the poem that missed out (hopefully minus it's mistakes) I have been learning it so I can recite tomorrow night at out local muster.

Cheers to you all - Terry

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Location: Illawarra

Re: WA Championship

Post by Zondrae » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:08 am

G'day Terry,

Thanks for the update. I look forward to reading the poem.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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