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Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:12 pm
by mummsie
Thanks everyone, I'm thrilled to have my name alongside some of our top writers. 8-)
I would love to be able to attend the finals but as I will only be just back from the Bundy Muster I think it will probably be out of the question-but we will see.

(thanks Bob for the updates)

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:07 pm
by mummsie
I have just finished a pre recorded interview with Fiona Sewell with the content to go to air prior to the announcements of the winners of the ABC North Qld poetry comp. being announced on Wednesday this week. Although a little nervous I felt it went well and a plug was put in for the ABPA. Hopefully forum users who can access the station will listen in and give us a report on how things went. I know Brenda will be in attendance, not sure about any other winners.
Good luck to all the finalists and I think we all agree-Bush Poetry is the ultimate winner.

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:34 pm
by Glenny Palmer
GOOD LUCK Sue. I'll try to tune in. Hopefully we can catch up soon. xx

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:49 pm
by David J Delaney
Congratulations Sue, Brenda & everyone else who entered, due to work commitments I can't attend the announcement this year..... :(

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:40 am
by warooa
Good luck to the contingent of ABPA members involved in the comp which will go to air this morning on ABC Far North. I don't know if those further afield can tune in or not? Amongst the weekly winners are Wazza, Sue, Zondrae, Terry and Brenda (twice).

Any which way it'll be a great two and half hours of bush poetry on the wireless :D

Cheers, Marty

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:12 pm
by Brenda Joy
Hello all,

Results of the competition
1st Warren Cox with Snowy and the Ant
2nd Brenda Joy with Closure
3rd Kelly Dixon with The Pride of the Plains.

Neil now has the winning poems written by ABPA members for possible/gradual inclusion in the magazine and my precied report on the comp and if anything comes through in the press I'll pass that on to him too for all to share.

Six poems went to air and then the ABC lost transmission. What a sad thing for Fiona as she had worked so hard to have it all go without a hitch. It meant that poems 7 to 10 were not broadcast nor were the pre-recorded interviews with Sue and Zondrae. But - the show went on without mikes but with an enthusiastic and considerate audience (not a sound during the non-miked performances) and all present had a wonderful time and a feast from the CWA ladies as well.

All the poems received very favourable comments from the judges. They remarked that there were no highly commended's as there would have had to be 7.
The comments given relevant to all the ABPA members' poems were 'great rhyme and metre', 'good craftsmanship' etc.. Comments pertinent to individual poems (all good) Warren's "great humour", Zondrae's "captured something every poet would love to have happen to them" "good imagery", Terry and Sue (both) "evoked feelings" "a beautiful love story".

Congratulations all.

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:41 pm
by mummsie
Congratulations to Warren, Brenda and Kelly for taking out the top spots. What a great showcase for Bush Poetry.
Congratulations also to ABC North Qld on another successful competition and a big thank you to Brenda for bringing us up to date and Bob for the weekly reports.

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:45 am
by warooa
Onya Wazza! :D

Also to Brenda :)

Cheers, Marty

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:38 pm
by alongtimegone
Thank you ... totally unexpected but absolutely thrilled. I actually posted the poem on the forum (Jan 10) before I became an ABPA member, asking for advice about metre. Quite a few members responded, but specifically, advice from David and Glenny about stresses etc helped me make it a better poem. But I want to thank all of the ABPA members. All of your poems and your responses to the poems of other members have taught me much about the writing of bush poetry. Thank you ... and my congratulations also to Brenda and Kelly for the success of their poems.

Re: ABC North Queensland

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:50 pm
by Terry
I missed this yesterday.

Congratulations Wazza, Brenda and Kelly and to all the other finalists.

Sounds like a great day, pity about the problems.

I've never met Fiona but enjoyed having a chat with her, she struck me as a really nice person.

Cheers Terry