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Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:59 pm
by Heather
Bobbit, you get to go to the naughty corner and learn how to spell "implement" :lol: :lol:

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:08 pm
by Bob Pacey
You are not the boss of me and I'm still far enough away to do what I like and I'm only going because I choose to ok.

Yes Boss !!!

Or should I say Angel In Charge


Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:24 pm
by Heather
You may say nothing of the sort thankyou. :oops:

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:05 pm
by Zondrae
Just in the door from the Snowy Mountains of Music to read my email and discover that David Campbell has taken out this years Bronze Swagman Award.
How absolutely wonderful. Couldn't have gone to a more deserving recipient. (or finer gentleman)
Well done, and (it goes without saying) well written. I will be waiting for a read of the winning poem.

I would also like to add my hearty well done to......
Don Adams of New Zealand, (who is a frequent place winner and contributor to our competitions here in Oz) coming runnner up. Great result Don.
And especially to our own Leonie Parker (she who said that every story had been written and there were no new ideas!) who has been awarded a HC.

Well done to the others who have been awarded HCs.

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:40 pm
by David Campbell
Hi Zondrae

I'm blushing...something like the colour you've used...but many thanks! It was a good weekend from another perspective, too. I don't know whether you've caught up with the news, but our NFF mutual friend Jenny Markwell won the Leonard Teale Performance Comp. at Gulgong with one of my poems ('A Letter Home...September 14, 1946'). She's over the moon, and I'm right chuffed!


Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:29 pm
by Zondrae
G'day David,

Yes I had heard. What great news on both fronts. I had been away at the Snowy Mountains festival and the first thing I did when getting in the door was check my email to find the Bronze Swagman results then on to facebook to ask how Jenny went. I am so delighted to see 'nice people' winning. It disproves the old adage that 'nice guys come last'. I look forward to reading the poem when it is released.
Again Well done.

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:14 pm
by Irene
A huge congratulations David on your win - look forward to reading your winning entry!!
And Leonie - a big congratulations to you also! Yes, I seem to recall you saying that there was nothing new to write about!! Seems you were wrong!!! Lol

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:13 pm
by JennyM
Congratulations on the Bronze Swagman Award David....that's wonderful news.
Thankyou for your kind comments about Gulgong and thanks to Zondrae for saying "I'm nice."

Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:40 pm
by David Campbell
Thank you Irene, and welcome Jenny! Great to have you on board, although I must issue a brief word of warning:

There’s poets left and poets right,
plus north and south, clear out of sight.
There’s poets here and poets there,
there’s flamin’ poets everywhere!
But don’t get fussed, it’s lots of fun,
so don’t get thrown by anyone.
There’s just one thing we’ve had to ban…
oh damn! That fourth line doesn’t scan!


Re: Bronze Swagman Award results for 2011

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:43 pm
by Bob Pacey
Gidday Jenny good to see you have posted a picture it is nice to see who you are converseing with.

Well done David,
