Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:42 pm

Right we are all set. I've got extra sausages and have told everyone it's byo for drinks. We just need to supply the sausages onions and bread and keep them entertained for a couple of hours. That should not be to hard with the quality of the performers.

Lets Go. !!!!

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After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by keats » Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:42 pm

Have a great one, Bob. I am sure you will. I'll send you my postal address in case there are any snags left!!!


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Kym » Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:42 pm

Well folks,we did it! Bob, John, Dave and me did our poems and songs and the audience kept asking for more so we ended up going for just over 3 hours. Neil, you don't have to sacrifice anything to the Poetry Gods, I got up and had my turn. I can't say I did my poems well, but I had a go. The voice is still shaky, but the eyes have stopped leaking and the knees have stopped quiverying, so I figure I must be getting better? The event grew bigger we expected - we catered for 30, but one count through the night got to 60 and other people wandered in after that. A resounding success, I say! :D

Thank goodness that's over ... :roll: ;)

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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Irene » Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:29 pm

Kym, I'm proud of you!!! ;) There, that wasn't so bad, was it?? :lol:
Glad it went well for you - great to have such a good turn out. It was always going to be a success Kym - great poets = great entertainment!! Better start planning the next one! Did I hear Bob say something about a monthly event??? Get practising - it will get easier each time!! :twisted:

What goes around, comes around.

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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by keats » Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:35 pm

Hey. I just posted the same thing. then hit submit and saw Irene's post!!! Get out of my computer!!!

As I tried to say before Irene stole my post, congrats to all and I am so glad you got up there and had a go and even happier that by the sounds of it, you enjoyed it!! Great job from all involved. It becomes addictive so try not to shove me off the stage at Bundy!!

Congrats also to Bob and the Mob. Wish I could have been there, but don't head North for another week or two.


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Bob Pacey
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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:39 pm

What an abosrootly fantastic night. Kym was all right, her voice went a little wobbly at times but damm it girl you nailed it.

Could have heard a pin drop through Taffy Waits.

We even drew people from the next park over and they want to know about any future shows.

Well done everyone and welcome to Queensland Dave and the crew.

Yahoooooooo Bob
Last edited by Bob Pacey on Sun May 01, 2011 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!


Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Heather » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:36 pm

Congratulations Kym. Very proud of you girl. You too Bobbo for organising it and Dave for coming all the way from WA for the biggest event.

Well done all,

Heather :)

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Bob Pacey » Sun May 01, 2011 12:01 am

Dave fitted in like he had been part of the crew for ages. many thanks also to our singer John Wilson a good mix of songs and jokes and a bloody good impersonation of Chad Morgan. We are off to Mount Morgan on Monday for the big dam show should be good.

Everything always comes at once.

Yahoo Bob
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by Bob Pacey » Sun May 01, 2011 8:56 am

Marty gees I'm glad I'm not rostered on today will take ages to clean up all the bullshit from the BBQ area this morning. Do not know if anyone got any pictures but will find out and see if we can post any.

All in all a great night and I'm sure we will have more of the same. The best part was having other performers there as usually it's me on my own for an hour.

Last edited by Bob Pacey on Sun May 01, 2011 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

william williams

Re: Biggest event of the year and getting Bigger

Post by william williams » Sun May 01, 2011 10:08 am

Glad to hear things went well for you BoB and Irene and that rascal Dave sounds like a great time was had by all.

I have just this morning returned from a festivil at Quialigo. Where in the hell you say is that well driveing along the road the back way to Bengonia Gorge there is a town sign that says Quialigo now if you find a shop there or a house let me know but it is on the back road to Tarago, (Hey Bob There is a pub There called the Loaded Dog) from Goldburn. It went on the saturday for 5 hours we had a lot more performers than you Bob as a mater of interest there were twenty of them as some of them were there resting up from the nationals at Canberra for the likes of Archy Bishop and if you happen to see him sit back and enjoy him Lorraine Mc Crimmons who a number of you have seen along with my self and a brother and sister act all the way from Tasmania who were good as she played a harp and don't rubbish the harp. Played the way and in her style along with her voice is was very rewarding

Bill Williams the old Battler

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