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Re: UPDATE: Copper Croc

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:09 pm
by Glenny Palmer
PS........I forgot to say that with the locals being so supportive here in Theodore, I feel confident that any performing poets that feature on the night would make good product sales.....I just didn't get time to seek sponsorship to enable me to help with travelling costs to hear from you. :D
xx Glenny

Re: UPDATE: Copper Croc

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:30 pm
by tom mcilveen
hi glenny.. I can empathise with you regarding hospital life...have spent quite a few hours there myself in past weeks.. I have my youngest boy in the southport hospital after being knocked off his pushbike by a motorist on his way to work...they just managed to save his leg after 10 hours in theatre on sunday and another 4 hours on following Saturday...I will be up visiting him and hope to kill 2 birds and come along to the Copper Croc event...hoping to see you I am a bit of a vegetarian like Brenda and will bring my own tucker..
do you want me to bring my guitar ????
tom McIlveen

Re: UPDATE: Copper Croc

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:40 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Tom,

Maybe a chainsaw would be better. Gloves, Clippers, Lawn mower.
Stop me Glenny , I know I get a bit carried away.

Tom, Guitar would be nice. Can I bring my Ukulele? (I'm not very good yet)
Oh by the way.. The Kembla Flame is open for entries .. closing June 7th, I think..

Re: UPDATE: Copper Croc

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:16 pm
by Kym
Guess what good people of Poetry Land? I've just booked a cabin in Theodore (last one she said) and I will be attending the Copper Croc event!!! Woohoooooo .....

Thanks Zondrae for reminding me. Glenny, I'll bring a couple books to chuck in the donation-for-prizes pile - is there anything else you want me to bring along?

Looking forward to seeing whoever turns up!


Re: UPDATE: Copper Croc

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:51 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Oh what joy!! Yay!! Can't wait to see you Kymmie & Tom...& so sorry to hear of your son's misfortune. Crikey!
Goodonya Zondrae.....bring the lot...ukulele, jungle drums, whatever...yes yes Tom your guitar too.

Sorry I'm in a rush. Gotta get ready for tomorrow...taking croc to Rocky for medical appointments. It's only a 6 hr round trip. Pass the Berocca!

And hey bro Bill...if you're watching...I got the 3 CD's. Many thanks indeed

xxxx Glenny