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Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:04 pm
by Leonie
So the ukulele is becoming fashionable again is it? Be afraid, be very afraid...

It made this bloke think he could sing ...

Tiptoooooee through the tuuullipps with meeee

:o :o :shock:

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:29 pm
by Heather
L E O N I E!!!!! The nightmares will begin again! I've tried so hard to forget..................

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:32 am
by Zondrae
... and we of the little instrument

will plinki-plunk on. Regardless.

We are getting so many bookings it's not funny. And the best thing is - they are ringing us!
We have already been booked for the Folk in the Foothills at Jambaroo in October. (and loads more in between, but I don't go to them all) - and in case you wanted to know - No, we don't do 'Tiptoe through the tulips'. (although we could if you reeeaally want it.)

mmm I feel a poem coming on.

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:27 pm
by Heather
You are such a cynic Marty (whichever one you are :? )

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:53 pm
by Zondrae
Oh dear Marty,

We each try to achieve in our own way. I dont need to make fun of other peoples chosen hobbie, even if they belong in the Ark. I know you are only having a bit of fun with me.

I learned two more songs today. I love my Ukulele(s) I have four at the moment and a Kazoo, a Turkish Ladies Finger Drum, a 3/4 size Fiddle, a Viola, a Musical Saw, a Banjo/Mandolin, three old guitars that hang on the walls, Two miniture guitars, numerous hand instruments, shakers, clappers and bells etc, a Jaws Harp, two Harmonicas, and a custom made Parlor size Guitar. (pity I have only one pair of hands)

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:23 pm
by keats
I have four at the moment and a Kazoo, a Turkish Ladies Finger Drum, a 3/4 size Fiddle, a Viola, a Musical Saw, a Banjo/Mandolin, three old guitars that hang on the walls, Two miniture guitars, numerous hand instruments, shakers, clappers and bells etc, a Jaws Harp, two Harmonicas, and a custom made Parlor size Guitar
Zondrae, did you ever work part time at Guantanamo Bay, as an Honesty Extractor?

Na, only joking. I am a very keen guitarist and have done a lot of teaching in the past and I have always said to people, that if you can get a tune from an instrument that sounds good to you and to others around you, then you have achieved something that 9 out of 10 people will never achieve. It is a thing of such great satisfaction that it becomes hard to explain.

Good on ya for getting in amongst it, bringing pleasure to people, and last but not least, finding self enjoyment in doing it.

Now, please understand that I have to cover myself here, with Marty and Co. watching, so I'll just say, if you play it at my window I WILL have to shoot you! lol

Cheers and keep it up


Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:30 am
by Zondrae
Oh well,

another serenade I will have to cancel. Just so this is clear to everyone - I don't go round playing my Uku under peoples windows. Although I know a few people who would be quite 'gee'd up' if I did. (and another few who would bust a gut laughing) Now, have to go, I have tunes to learn (and poems to run through) for a Thursday performance.

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:44 am
by Leonie
We're all just having a bit of fun with you Zondrae. Personally I don't mind the uke, (unless it's Tiny Tim playing it) but then I don't mind the piano accordian either, not sure what that says about me. :lol:

I actually admire anyone who can play any instrument at all. I tried learning piano once, never got further than the first few bars of chopsticks. My cousin was such a good piano player that when she took a turn on a piano at our local shopping centre she drew a crowd, but even she gave up on me. So goodonya Zondrae, keep up the good work, we're just jealous, well I am anyway. Wish I could play an instrument, any instrument. :(

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:47 am
by keats
Sorry Marty, NO forgiveness for a banjo ukulele!!!! You are cursed for eternity. And Maureen, the piano accordion???? At least now I look at Zondrae as a Maestro with taste!!!! Lol

Re: Bush Poetry and Country Music

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:01 am
by Leonie
It's Leonie Bob, err Keats, err Neil. :?