Written entry form WA Championships

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Written entry form WA Championships

Post by Terry » Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:52 pm

Conducted under the auspices of the Australian Bush Poets Association Inc


Closing Date for Entries - Monday September 29th 2014

Results will be announced on Sunday, October 26th 2014
All placegetters will be notified by mail and listed on the WA Bush Poets Website, wabushpoets.asn.au

Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________ email _____________________________________________________
Monetary Prizes will be awarded for the best poem in each of the following categories
Each winner as well as those judged Highly Commended or Commended will receive a Certificate
(1) Open Serious (2) Open Humorous (N.B. The WA Written Champion Poet will be judged across these 2 categories)
(3) Novice (only for poets who have never won a bush poetry written competition please tick if applicable ____)
(4) Junior (5 -12yo) (5) Junior (13-17yo) Age (if Junior) __________
(6) The best poem by an entrant who lives in the Avon Valley in Western Australia
Title(s) of Poem(s) Category entered ( ) 1.__________________________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________________________
Conditions of entry:
• Entries are open to all permanent residents of Australia
• Entry Fee (per poem): $5 Children (school age) Free No refunds if entries disqualified
• Maximum 4 entries per person maximum 60 lines per poem
• All Entries MUST be the original work of the entrant
• All entries must have very good rhyme and rhythm and be an original story with an Australian theme
• You cannot enter a poem which has previously won any written poetry competition
• Poems containing offensive material will be disqualified (no refund)
• Poems must be typed (or electronically printed) on white A4 paper, black printing in a plain font size 10 - 12
• The entrant’s name or any identifying information MUST NOT appear on the poem(s) – ONLY on this entry form
• The poem’s name must appear at the top of each page. If more than one page, pages must be numbered and stapled
• The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
• Entries may be displayed at the Toodyay Bush Poetry Festival (October 26th) and may be published in the WA Bush Poets monthly newsletter “The Bully Tin” - Permission is hereby given for my poems to be published in this manner.
To facilitate this Please e-mail a copy of your poem(s) to Rodger, (entries compiler) at rodgershirley@bigpond.com

Please send two (2) copies of each poem, to

WA Bush Poets – Written Entry
c/o Rodger Kohn
16 Alderbury St
Floreat WA 6014

Payment by cheque or money order ( sent with the entry) made out to
WA Bush Poets & Yarnspinners

or by direct bank transfer to NAB BSB 086455 A/c # 824284595
Name WA Bush Poets Reference your name then 2014 SCW
Please e-mail notification of payment to treasurer@wabushpoets.asn.au

I agree to the above conditions
Signature __________________________________________(guardian if Junior)
N.B. This competition is conducted in accord with ABPA Guideline recommendations refer to http://www.abpa.org.au/competitions

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