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Jeff Thorpe
Posts: 363
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:54 pm


Post by Jeff Thorpe » Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:40 am


© Jeff Thorpe 16 December 2023

Their names are etched in history, though they would never know,
doing their duty, first South Australian police to die
on 07 May, 1847, drowned in the Murray River’s flow,
at a routine callout, no hint their end was nigh.

Mounted Constable Carter aged 22 and Lance Corporal Wickham, 24
stationed at Moorundie Police Station in the Riverland,
called over wrangling colonists and aborigines, a right tug-of-war
order needed to stop the clash getting out of hand.

The Overland Corner is where the dispute originated
over sheep and cattle’s movement on the land
with police involvement, no trouble anticipated
any threat to life would indeed be unplanned.

A remote area with scarce habitation
river a focal point of the district’s life,
crossing the Murray a real complication
a daring undertaking where risk was rife,

Attempting to traverse in an unstable canoe
weighed down by heavy uniforms and boots,
Wickham and Carter’s paddling quickly turned askew
survival more pressing than their rule of law pursuits.

Tragically both were flung into the water and drowned
sadly, the first police to die in performance of their duty,
a Gold Medal with which none ever wish to be crowned
earned in circumstances not far short of spooky.

In 1997, one fifty years after this tragedy occurred
a monument was placed on the Murray river-bank,
acknowledgment of supreme sacrifice deferred
vigilance of two young hardy souls to thank.

The plaque is placed 3K from the site
now Banrock Station wine grape growing region,
poignant reminder of Wickham and Carter’s plight
and as stated, in the mind of SA police legion.

A peaceful place of remembrance, on mallee wood and wetland
the everyday work place of the deceased,
Wine and Wetland tourists can see the tale firsthand
and perhaps reflect on two lives briefly leased.

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Location: Brisbane


Post by alongtimegone » Wed Mar 13, 2024 4:29 pm

Good one Jeff. I really enjoyed the read. A bit of history that is new to me. Well done.

Jeff Thorpe
Posts: 363
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:54 pm


Post by Jeff Thorpe » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:29 pm

Thanks Wazza

Heard about this on a Murray River Cruise last November and did some research to get the details.

Cheers, Jeff

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