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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:59 pm
by Glen Hughes
46 - Doggin’

To track, trap, bait and shoot,
a skill set known to few,
shown to me when I was young,
to watch, assess, to do.
Instincts, traits and patterns,
a process to conserve,
weather, wind and skyline,
so much to be observed.

Native to Australia,
thousands of years ago,
also known as warrigal,
(Canis Lupus), Dingo.
A mammal and a carnivore,
an eerie mournful howl,
hunting mostly done by night,
always on the prowl.

Spread across the nation,
differing size and colour,
genetics of distinction,
separate each other.
A detriment to farmers,
kill so many sheep,
calves, pigs kangaroos,
all while we’re asleep.

Tracking is an art form,
size and shape of print,
pressure, speed, direction,
walk, pause and sprint.
Early in the morning,
vision at its best,
sounds can travel miles,
and tracks and signs are fresh.

Setting traps imperative,
dug and placed just right,
to catch a dingo by the foot,
in waiting day and night.
Trap jaw wrapped with strychnine,
dingo will chew and lick,
pull and howl in anguish,
death arrives so quick.

To shoot is taught with safety,
a gun used every day,
protect, put down, survival,
so many different ways.
The dingo is a target,
a curse for grazing sheep,
shot and paid a bounty,
seven days a week.

Dingoes follow tyre tracks,
directed by their nose,
watering points, stock pads,
all watched above by crows.
Baiting in the evening,
best time of the day,
fresh meat laced with strychnine,
placed along the way.

A dust cloud in the distance,
sheep are on the run,
dingoes in their glory,
chasing sheep for fun.
A throat grab and a struggle,
sheep dragged to the ground,
ripped apart, guts torn out,
the outcome so profound.

Mob run on for miles,
the wounded stand in wait,
dogs backtrack and finish off,
like breakfast on a plate.
The process on in earnest,
each and every day,
the carnage is enormous,
our squatters in dismay.

To track, trap, bait and shoot,
a skill set known to few,
observed as a youngster,
to watch, assess, to do.
Instincts, traits and travel,
to process and conserve,
weather, wind and landscapes,
so much to be observed.

Glen Hughes ©