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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:58 pm
by Glen Hughes
45 - Boundaries

To moderate and tolerate,
set standards in our schools,
turn up, sit up, participate,
accepting of the rules.
Boundaries stretched and broken,
we see it every day,
control is out the window,
and it’s us who have to pay.

Teaching kids right from wrong,
taught from very young,
acceptance came with cuddles,
our-else, a smack from mum.
Teamwork is the answer,
at home is where it starts,
all pitch in to get it done,
everyone plays a part.

Toleration is the key,
listen watch and learn,
caring comes with sharing,
so wait until your turn.
Respect for those in office,
your elders, you and me,
yes please and say thank you,
manners come for free.

Teaching so important,
patience also learned,
leadership rewarded,
respect is always earned.
Showing comes with doing,
repetition key,
give examples every day,
rubs off for all to see.

Little things mean everything,
absorbed by everybody,
something new for ever day,
to take onboard and copy.
All these values filed away,
your brain as a computer,
making choices moving on,
adjustments for your future.

Lessons learned so valid,
for every living soul,
to live in peace and harmony,
and never lose control.
Work hard to make a difference,
stay clear of any strife,
health and values, passed along,
together, man and wife.

To moderate and tolerate,
set standards in our schools,
turn up, sit up, participate,
accepting of the rules.
Boundaries stretched and broken,
we see it every day,
control is out the window,
and it’s us who have to pay.

Glen Hughes ©