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Mothers Day

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:54 pm
by Glen Hughes
43- Mothers Day

We all have a mother
and most of us were loved,
the lucky some still have one,
so many gone above.
Mother’s Day, so special,
comes only once a year,
so tell your mum you love her,
the words she loves to hear.

The job of mum, undeniable,
I question, how and why,
they have a mind of presence,
day in day out we cry.
They care for us regardless,
24/7 and more,
deprived of sleep and sanity,
but still line up for more.

It has to be genetics,
the heart must rule the brain,
thank god they are maternal,
the job gave me a name.
So thank you mum and mothers,
for all you’ve done and do,
we hope your day is memorable,
please know we all love you.

Glen Hughes ©