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Workers Wanted

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:53 pm
by Glen Hughes
42 - Workers Wanted

The calls gone out for workers,
supply chain in decline,
so many jobs advertised,
good help is hard to find.
Workers given visas,
flown in from afar,
no one has to work today,
the situation’s bizarre.

“Work smarter kids, not harder”,
with all your work and play,
we only want the best for you,
repeated every day,
Swat the books, study hard,
get an education,
see the world, sow your oats,
protect your reputation.

The world is your oyster,
to explore, taste, and see,
appreciate an offer,
engaging is the key.
Enjoy your days, find your ways,
do not as I have done,
choose a road less travelled,
and go and have your fun.

Generational wanderers,
traversing around the globe,
never in one place too long,
always on the road.
All are chasing rainbows,
just as they were told,
scratching here, scraping there,
looking for the gold.

Workers non existent,
employment at a high,
so many signs, enquire within,
so many asking why.
The answer to that question,
the outcome plain to see,
“don’t follow in our footsteps”,
the blame’s on you and me.

The country’s at a crossroad,
there’s policies to review,
to keep the country growing,
there’s a call for me and you.
Bring back the workers,
those who know and can,
to fill availabilities,
right across the land.

The calls gone out for workers,
supply chain in decline,
so many jobs advertised,
good help’s hard to find.
Workers given visas,
flown in from afar,
no one has to work today,
the situation’s bizarre.

Glen Hughes ©