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Stay Another Day

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:47 pm
by Glen Hughes
39 - Stay Another Day

Happy on vacation,
Prado built for sand,
travelling around Australia,
a year of leave in hand.
Clockwise our rotation,
house on wheels we towed,
GAB, the Nullarbor,
never ending road.

Esperance was amazing,
white sand, water blue,
fishing so rewarding,
hooked up quite a few.
Cycling tracks for miles,
so many sites to see,
Cape LeGrand, Lucky Bay,
four wheel driving free.

Esperance on to Albany,
so many towns with up,
Denmark, on to Pemberton,
Augusta, Manjimup.
Perth then on to Geraldton,
Kalbarri and Shark Bay,
Karratha and Port Headland,
we passed along the way.

Iron-ore country welcome,
mining under way,
the ore goes on for ever,
North West WA.
Eighty Mile, a stand out,
fishing dawn ‘till noon,
5 thousand K of driving,
we made it in to Broome.

Willie Creek came calling,
pearls are grown and sold,
took on job as a handyman,
so many stories told.
Wife a job with Hookers
Property Management Team,
rent arrears, inspections,
maintenance, yards to clean.

Postcard picture perfect,
camel rides and more,
Horizontal Falls to see,
tracks of dinosaurs.
Malcolm Douglas crocodiles,
stairway to the moon,
sunset cruises, Cable Beach,
a backpacker’s boom.

Many nooks and crannies,
smoothies every day,
monstrous tides, twenty feet,
fishing Roebuck Bay.
Six months in and loving it,
miles and miles away,
end of year and Xmas,
then came in to play.

The wet was quickly building,
advised to go or stay,
roads would soon go under,
we packed and left next day.
Derby, Fitzroy Crossing,
Lake Argyle, took a peek,
Kununurra to Katherine,
lunch at Timber Creek.

Took a look at Darwin,
felt so good to me,
history, cyclone Tracey,
World War Two, to see.
Darwin down to Adelaide,
a mesmerising road,
country crossing, North to South,
home again, unload.

If travels in your wheel house,
then take a trip to Broome,
the locals are amazing,
so book you ticket soon.
To fly will save you miles,
it’s just so far away,
oh so much to see and do,
so stay another day.

Glen Hughes ©