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Women Of The Outback

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 6:03 am
by Glen Hughes
26 - Women of the Outback

Women of the Out Back,
not an easy life,
kids to share and educate,
as mother and a wife.
They are the glue to see it through,
endure all kinds of weather,
aprons on, they bare their souls,
and hold it all together.

The backbone of a partnership,
the making of a man,
instrumental, give their all,
endure the dust and sand.
Job description overload,
smiling, never mean,
men to feed, cook and wash,
house to scrub and clean.

Up and at’em early,
way before the dawn,
stoke the fire, kettle on,
face scrub, with a yawn.
Breakfast cooked,
steak and eggs,
main meal of the day,
bully beef, tucker box,
daylight, on their way.

To manage time and money,
squeezed in every day,
cooking on, washing hung,
and many bills to pay.
VKC, Broken Hill,
can you hear me, over,
flying Dr., school by air,
red dog known as Rover.

Wife and mother, mend and sew,
cook and nurse, so clever,
father xmas, easter bunny,
the list goes on forever.
Happy hours, days and weeks,
the years slip quickly by,
home now empty, kids have gone,
question, where and why.

Women of the Out Back,
not an easy life,
kids to share and educate,
as mother and a wife.
They are the glue to see it through,
endure all kinds of weather,
they bare their souls, and give their all,
and hold it all together.

Glen Hughes ©