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Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 3:10 am
by Glen Hughes
23 - Choices

Choices in abundance,
so much to see and do,
fail to plan, plan to fail,
always think it through.
Consider all your options,
saying sorry, is ok,
navigate, keep it straight,
each and every day.

Education, priceless,
look, watch and learn,
remember to be grateful,
never speaking out of turn.
Knowing when to button up,
so much for us to say,
learn to take it on the chin,
or walk the other way.

We start as individuals,
with one stop, DNA,
aptitude, don’t be rude,
manners here to stay.
Social interactions,
a bonding to persue,
marriage and a family,
it’s up to me and you.

A wedding ring, is everything,
not 50 shades of grey,
to execute, not substitute,
all in, or on you way.
Leadership, commitment,
it’s never black and white,
see it through, it’s up to you,
it’s either wrong or right.

Choices in abundance,
so much to see and do,
fail to plan, plan to fail,
always think it through.
Consider all your options,
saying sorry, is ok,
navigate, keep it straight,
each and every day.

Glen Hughes ©