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Bush Pilots

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 3:42 pm
by Glen Hughes
22 - Bush Pilots

Maurice from Willowie,
nickname given, Blue,
Delta India Bravo,
first plane that he flew.
Taught to fly in Orange,
back in sixty three,
watched in awe and wonder,
I knew it was for me.

DIB and Bluey,
bonded in the sky,
fish can swim in water,
he was born to fly.
An airstrip and a hangar,
overlooked the Frome,
soon to be constructed,
built beside his home.

Aerial navigation,
opened up the door,
saving time and money,
neighbours were in awe.
Waters run in no time,
mustering quick and clean,
on the spot directions ,
working as a team.

Not always a runway,
landing on a road,
deliver mail and groceries,
carried many loads.
Drop down on a clay pan,
deliver parts and men,
throttle deep, touch of flap,
in the air again.

Bush skills, and awareness,
a legend of the sky,
first to answer callings,
knowing when and why.
Saving lives in peril,
more than one or two,
Denise & Bob, Neil Puckridge,
just to name a few.

Backup pilots needed,
March of ‘75 ,
all of us excited,
my time had arrived.
Classroom to the Cessna,
instructor by my side,
dug in to my flying,
achieved with so much pride.

DIB then traded,
a new plane on its way,
EJR commissioned,
to pilot every day.
First flight going solo,
married with a wife,
compass bearing truely,
set me up for life.

Dad is back in Willowie,
his spirit flying free,
with pride I thank him daily,
for all he did for me.
Life for me now flying,
down wind, turning base,
flaps are down for landing,
easing up the pace.

Glen Hughes ©