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The Galah Sessions

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 12:13 pm
by Glen Hughes
19 - The Galah Sessions

Galahs are very social,
as they squark, flap and chatter,
for years now, re-enacted,
by women as they natter.
Galah sessions synonyms,
up and down the track,
and all over the country,
to Alice Springs and back.

Long before the internet,
in Australias’ early days,
one hundred miles to no where,
was common for the brave.
Traegers’ pedal radio,
voice communication,
to call the flying doctor,
from an inland cattle station.

The Royal Flying Doctor,
for every living sole,
first response, survival,
medicare, the goal.
A whistle blast, a warning,
for all to clear the air,
an emergency unfolding,
way outback, somewhere.

Two way was the life line,
telegrams each way,
women talking freely,
any time of day.
They spoke and then said, “Over”,
sometimes, “Back to You”,
but all times so respectful,
with differing points of view.

Instrumental life line,
of social interaction,
meaningful discussions,
conversed without distraction.
House chores and children,
day on day proceeding,
Psych evaluations,
on offer with out meaning.

Galahs are very social,
as they squark, flap and chatter,
for years now re-enacted,
by women as they natter.
Galah sessions synonyms,
up and down the track,
and all over the country,
to Alice Springs and back.

Glen Hughes ©