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That’s Life

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 10:55 am
by Glen Hughes
16 - That’s Life

With love, I came in to this world,
at first I wondered why,
my arse was slapped to take a breath,
I answered with a cry.
With that in mind, my parents found,
I’d cry to get a feed,
my cry then turned into a scream,
their ears began to bleed.

A few weeks in, I settled,
my demands were slowly met,
my parents, tired and ageing,
so much to get through yet.
At first, I was out numbered,
was two of them and me,
I knew I had the upper hand,
could squirt all day for free..

Mum was busy cooking,
told my dad to take his turn,
I loved to lay there thinking,
so much for him to learn.
I gooed and gaaed and chuckled,
his smile turned to a frown,
he took a little sneaky peek,
my nappy, full and brown.

His eyes were rolling, in his head,
deep wrinkles on his brow,
his hand went quickly to his mouth,
he reached out for a towel.
Dad was now dry reaching,
I saw my chance to score,
and with a kick, I let it rip,
Dad joined me on the floor.

When he got control again,
he called out to my Mum,
thank god she then took over,
she quickly cleaned my bum.
Nappy change, was now a game,
my Dad and I at war,
I saw my chance, I took my aim,
an eye shot, that’s a score.

I was having so much fun,
with laughter and a splash,
but Dad it seems, had seen enough,
said son, you’ve done your dash.
My Dad turned very busy,
he always came home late,
we knew that he was sorry,
said he caught up with a mate.

Mum and Dad were so in love,
And I, in heaven too,
I’ll tell you one small secret,
just from me and you.
Now that I was bigger,
and my sister, on her way,
I couldn’t wait to meet her,
so we could talk and play.

I just sit back and wonder,
how in hell we made it through,
a life so full of ups and downs,
so glad that I met you.
You are my little sister,
and I care for you a lot,
our parents were amazing,
and will never be forgot.

Glen Hughes ©