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Camera Lights Action

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:17 am
by Glen Hughes
12 - Camera Lights Action

Life is like a movie, just waiting to unfold,
scripts and props are changing, day by day.
So many different stories, in the making, to be told,
living life, so many different ways.

The air was warm, unusual,
unlike the day before,
thick enough to cut through with a knife,
Clammy feel, different smell,
drifting through the door,
hits you like the dreaded change of life.

A gentle morning air flow, turns Easterly and strong,
fluffy cloud appears above the dawn.
Hasn’t rained in ages, so dry now for so long,
maybe get a splash to wet the lawn.

The morning passes quickly, and cloud is building fast,
I sit and watch the wonder in the sky.
A ticket to the movies, formations unsurpassed,
theatrical, enough to make you cry.

The magic of the elements, entranced, I watch with awe,
the shapes, colour, smells, are just insane.
Lightning now and thunder, I brace myself for more,
from this you’d hope, you’d have to get some rain.

The storm creates a downdraft, a sudden gust of wind,
choking dust engulfing all before.
The movie is in climax, and coming to an end,
I bolt in to the house and shut the door.

Life is like a movie, just waiting to unfold,
scripts and props are changing, day by day.
So many different stories, in the making, to be told,
living life, so many different ways.

Glen Hughes ©

Re: Camera Lights Action

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 2:53 pm
by Shelley Hansen
This is a picture well drawn, Glen. Dry storms are such a feature of Australia!

Just a suggestion - in the second verse you've split your lines, making this a six-line verse. For consistency, which is a real feature of bush verse, could I suggest that you retain your long lines. I realise that would only give you three lines for your second verse, but I'm sure you can think of another one to make up a fourth line to match the poem's format.

Up to you of course, but I reckon it would just put the icing on the cake!
