THE Shoes

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Wendy Seddon
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THE Shoes

Post by Wendy Seddon » Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:18 pm

Overseas on holiday intent on buying shoes -
excursion to a giant mall with many she could choose.
With limits on her budget both in bank account and mind
a pair of summer sandals shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Extravagance was not her way nor was she slave to trend.
A style she couldn’t find at home – the rule she wouldn’t bend.
The shoe stores in Australia were represented here,
she didn’t think to enter them. Her reasoning was clear.

Exotic Eastern fashion stores with rhinestones and with bling,
She also chose to walk on by. They really weren’t her thing!
No luck in discount shoe shops or the big department stores,
she found herself on foreign ground – the pricey upper floors!

She neared my store and took a glance intending to pass by.
She slowed and stopped and turned her head to that which caught her eye.
She spoke to her companion, ‘twas her daughter at a guess,
“Should I go in and take a look?” The younger nodded, yes.

I saw both trepidation and excitement in her eyes,
Intending just to ask the price and if we had her size.
I ducked behind the curtain for ‘the white with pastel tone’
and from their box retrieved the shoes while she slipped off her own.

She fidgeted a little, check her wallet once then twice.
“I love them Jen, they’re gorgeous. Oh but have you seen the price?
“Mum, they fit you beautifully and suit you too, it’s true.
You do a lot for others but you don’t do much for you.”

She stood and walked around a bit and gave a guilty smile,
but truth be told she hadn’t felt this pampered for a while.
AH! So now I get it…just like switching on a light,
She worries if it’s right to want – if what she wants is right!

Her furrowed brow and anxious eyes betraying her unease.
The guilty sense of recklessness was dealt with by degrees.
Her face relaxed, a peaceful end to some internal war.
She raised her chin, she paid the price and wore them out the door!
Wen de Rhymewriter There is nothing mundane about the ordinary.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: THE Shoes

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:41 pm

Love it Wendy!

As an inveterate shoe shopper and shoe lover, and the descendant of a shoe maker - it is right up my alley!

Where did you get the idea?

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Wendy Seddon
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Re: THE Shoes

Post by Wendy Seddon » Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:25 pm

True story! Visited my daughter in Dubai.
Changed my perspective from buyer to seller!
Wen de Rhymewriter There is nothing mundane about the ordinary.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: THE Shoes

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:04 pm

Aha! Makes perfect sense!
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: THE Shoes

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:10 pm

Oh WOW :o That is brilliant and I love that little well hidden moral in there as well ... all to often the ladies go without because they put family before themselves and shoes are such a practical item, not really a luxury are they. Delighted you found a pretty pair whilst on your holiday and I love the poem. Well done you on both counts :lol:
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Wendy Seddon
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Re: THE Shoes

Post by Wendy Seddon » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:33 pm

The little bit - "she paid the price" is still on my mind!.
I am still worrying about being so extravagant!

If I knew how to send a photo I could show you!
Wen de Rhymewriter There is nothing mundane about the ordinary.

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