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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:42 am
by Maureen K Clifford

'ow are ya gonna do it? I ain't seen that done before.
Wouldn't have thought we stood a chance although I ain't real sure.
Did'na think it bloody likely, but a cove can never tell,
hope you're right mate 'cause if you ain't, we'll likely rot in hell.

Wadda ya mean I made ya do it? No I didn't, that's a laaf.
As if I'd do a thing like that, but hang on – give me half
a mo if ya please. Yea well politeness never hurts.
Me Mum bort me up proper, tort me not to talk like dirt.

Yea OK, alright then Matey, ya can count me bloody in
but I hope we ain't cort doing it 'cause it's a bleedin’ sin
and ya know old Father Michael he's a hard man that he is
and we'll never be forgiven if we're copped doin' this.

Right oh, I've got the hairy beastie, put the bridle on his head.
He don't seem really happy, but he's certainly well fed.
Do ya reckon he's a goer? OK back him in the cart
and climb up here beside me and we'll give him a head start.

Mother of Mary, he's a cracker!!! Wot a bonza little beast
we'll have it in the bag I reckon? We could win - or very least
be in like Flynn, with this big thing a pullin' at the traces.
Bet Father Mike will be supris'd to see Billy at the races.


Oh and you boys would both be t’inking that the five pound prize is yours?
Though you won it using my goat – and you skived off doing chores
that your Mam and Da had set you – oh its punishment you’ll get -
but what and when and where I haven’t figured out just yet.

Don’t Father Michael me! You’re both hooligans all right
Which one of you thought this prank up? A pretty bloody sight
you made recklessly jolting and careening ‘round the track
behind Sweet William who you stole from out behind my back.

Let the punishment fit the crime – if you like Billygoat races
perhaps you both should do a stint at pullin’ in the traces
The widow Murphy’s front paddock needs to go under plough
and two young fella’s strong like you should do the job somehow.

Her horse is sick and old and can no longer make the furrows
and her paddock’s somewhat undermined with little bunny burrows,
but I’m sure that these few obstacles smart lads can overcome
and the five pound prize you won, it’s going to the orphans home.


And he walked away from two small boys with sad and downcast faces
who had just received harsh punishment for kicking over traces
of their hard and humdrum lifestyle – but on his face was a grin
for the thing was , Jack and Tommy both reminded him of him.

Maureen Clifford © 03/11


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:07 am
by Dave Smith

Been there done that, nice story bring back memories. Billycarts, hill trolleys, stolen pram wheels mother calling “Oh you boys” and other stuff. :twisted:

TTFN 8-)


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:06 pm
by Heather
Good yarn Maureen and well told.

Heather :)


Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:42 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Thanks Heather and Dave - glad you liked it - came across some fabulous old photos dating back to 1915 of kids in the original 'Billy' carts drawn by well behaved goats. Nothing like the dangerous IMO and cruel feral goat races some places hold these days.

I wrote part of it ages ago and decided it was worth another look at and some alteration.




Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:21 am
by Zondrae
G'day Maureen,

it is taking me a bit of time to get up to date. As soon as I think I've caught up, something else rears it's ugly head. Oh I don't mean poetry wise, not this one in partiular. I like the way you have given two sides of the story. And the attempt at the accent isn't to bad either. It is a great story in your usual way, you come up with some beauties.

I am still behind with everything, housework, and poetry. I haven't even done last weeks homework let alone this weeks. I have also had two different people ask me to write a poem for an event. Luckily, one is in April and the other one months away. I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why I have been a bit slack in responding to everything. Be assurred, as I have said on the 'bushverse' site, I read everything.