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Brain Cells

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:44 pm
by Bob Pacey
Thought this might fit here as well.

Brain Cells

I'm a dinky-di Australian bloke
no fame and fortune do I seek.
Life's simple pleasures mean a lot to me
a grandchild's hug can make me weak.

But now I will admit I like a beer
a good brew really gives me pleasure
and I just don't mind the Bundy rum
hey full nips please no half measure.

But I seen a show the other day
about how brain cells can't survive.
When you soak them all in alcohol
there's not many left alive

Put the wind fair up me mate
bloody filled me heart with fear.
What pleasures were there left in life
if ya couldn't have a beer.

So I did some checking out me-self
but every check increased my dread.
Cause if I didn't give up drinking
all me cells would soon be dead.

But I still could not believe it
so I searched both near and far
and I finally found the answer
in my local public bar.

Cause I met this bloke called Macka
he worked in a brewery twenty years.
Straight up and down true blue he was
and reckoned he would rest me fears.

Well Macka set me straight all right
his logic is just great.
So sit down and sink a stubbie
while his story I relate

Now brain cells are like the wildebeest
that call Africa their home
and beer is like the lions
that hunt and follow as they roam.

The lions pick off the weakest beasts
cause they deserve to die
and so the herd grows stronger every day
oh the news near made me cry.

yeah I know it takes a while to ponder
the logic of his tale.
So we sat and mulled it over
as we sipped another ale.

We argued and discussed it
straight up and down yeah man to man.
And what he said just got more logical
each time we drank another can.

oh I know some will be sceptical
but now I have no fear
and it does not matter what you drink
be it wine or rum or beer.

It will only kill your weakest cells
and they weren't working anyway.
So alcohol is good for you
more so if taken every day

For those that don't believe me
I can tell you now right from the heart.
That's why when you drink a six pack
you feel really, really smart.

Bob Pacey ( C )

Bush Poetry Is My Passion

Re: Brain Cells

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:06 pm
by Neville Briggs
Wotz that again ? :)