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MKR - culinary contributions

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:57 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Not sure if the TV reality show MKR - ‘My Kitchen Rules’ is watched by any one out there – but it was the inspiration for this.

MKR – culinary contributions

Seems the Pavlova’s over cooked – destroying that last sweetness,
dousing her hopes of gaining their applause.
Frantically her mind races, what to serve now in its place?
A dinner minus desert would show her flaws.

She was dying oh so slowly, and her mind had drawn a blank
and the ticking of the clock just emphasized,
that the contest she had entered with such high and buoyant hopes
would now perhaps give her the booby prize.

She peeped out through the kitchen door and noted their clear faces
as they sat, waiting in great anticipation.
She couldn’t draw rabbits from hats so put the Tim Tams out
said ‘I hope you give this dish accreditation.’

Eight pair of eyes rose, shocked, to look at her, voices were stilled
for her menu indicated something dreamy.
‘Sorry ‘she said ‘the chocolate pav with almond crème was killed
so it’s Tim Tams to the rescue or ice cream – y.

She didn’t win, her score was down, she’d given it a shot
and she was mortified by her last error.
But the Tim Tams scored a ten all round – just as they rightly should
and she’d lived to tell all of her cooking terrors.

Maureen Clifford © 02/11