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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:33 am
by Cas van Loon
To young people it seems a long way off
their mid-life crisis surely is coming, don't scoff
we all go through it, you, me, friends, every one
don't despair, it is the best time to have fun

It is somewhere between adolescence and old age
common thinking, brought up kids, ready for the grave
we realised and thought perhaps we've missed life's boat
people raised eyebrows, mumbling that silly old goat

Some men have a pre-conceived idea about all this
the time to fulfill their wildest dreams, the weirdest wish
trip to outer space, spending their money, willy nilly
be an astronaut, famous, flings with many a young filly

Women hate looking old, worried about crow's feet
dressing-up as younger ones, on age try to cheat
divorce, half his super, wild, wild parties, really cool
on with the make-up, rekindling youth, men will drool

The kids looking on horrified, doing a song and dance
o-no, they are spending all that money, our inheritance
why, what are they doing, to us doesn't make sense
tried to stop us, miserably failed, by using any pretence

Despite sly looks, some praise, criticising, underhand barbs
new lease of life, not yet ready for upstairs, play them harps
fountain of new found youth, elixer, ever so sweet
force to be reckoned with, old but not old, indeed

We will eventually answer the reapers' final call
out of this life, into a better one next, bigger ball?
the twilight of our life flew by, not a single regret
blowing our trumpet, to our lovely kids, ratta-ta-tet! :lol:


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:24 am
by Trisha Patterson
Sad, but too often true!! :( :o