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In Memory

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:44 pm
by Trace
My father-in-law passed away the other day. He was a 95 year old dutchman, who emigrated to Australia in the early 50's. He was active in the dutch underground during WWII. On more than one occasion he was involved in the repatriation of downed flyers from Holland back to England. This is a tribute to Felix. It might be a bit raw, but so are the emotions right now.....

Flying with the Dutchman
A shuddering of gunfire, or perhaps a burst of flak
And in that dreadful moment there would be no turning back
You know your plane is going down; to stay would be to die
And so you leap into the void on wings not meant to fly

After an eternity you finally hit the ground
You’re in behind the front line, there’s danger all around
In your desperation you long for a distant shore
But here you are in Holland, surrounded by the war

Instinct says to run and hide, behind bush or maybe tree
An old abandoned farmhouse seems to offer sanctuary
You’re deep within a cellar, your back against the wall
Your heart beats in mortal terror as close by footsteps fall

“Underground” a voice says, at once both deep and quiet
“We have to get away from here; keep your movements light
We’ll get you back to England so you can fly once more
Fly right back and help us finally end this crazy war”

Across fields and over hedges he leads you to the coast
He asks for no acknowledgements, he’s not a man to boast
He thanks you for the things you’ve done to make the germans flee
And make his homeland safe once more for his growing family

And now you’re off to safety, cross the channel at a chase
Maybe you’ll get home again; at least back to your base
And when you’re with your family, or you fly your next attack
Don’t forget to tell them that Felix helped to get you back

Vale Felix Hippolyte Wijsman

Re: In Memory

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:22 pm
by Trace
Thanks Marty, I'll pass that on to Barb.

Felix didn't often open up about the war years, but when he did it was spine tingling stuff...he got himself involved in some serious action.

A real gentleman who will be sadly missed by all the family both here and in Holland. The end of a generation. Felix was the youngest, and last surviving of 13 children.

On another topic, did you get my email?



Re: In Memory

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:24 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Hi Trace,
Sorry to hear of your loss. You obviously had a lot of respect for this man and have honoured him with your words. Well done.
Trisha Patterson

Re: In Memory

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:41 pm
by Trace
Whoops...where was I supposed to go?

Still learning my way around the website.

Must post an introduction.....does that make me a bonafide member?

Re posting the other poem, are pictures permissable?



Re: In Memory

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:48 pm
by Trace
Trisha, thanks for the thoughts. Felix was a good man.



In Memory

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:14 am
by Ian A
'Morning Trace,
I had a good neighbour and friend some years ago. At the funeral service for Tony Van Schyndal I was astonished to hear of his service record. As a young man captured by the enemy, escape, cross country pursuit, times of which he too had never spoken.
I Liked your poem very much.


Re: In Memory

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:56 pm
by Trace
Thanks Ian,

Sadly too many of that generation are passing with stories not fully told. Its good to play a part in keeping some of it alive.


Re: In Memory

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:28 am
by Cas van Loon
Hello Trace, My mum and dad were both involved in underground activity during the war in Holland. We migrated to Aussie in the 50's but there was never a word about the underground work. It had to be a very special occasion if and when they would talk about it. I was very young when the war finished and have never talked about what I saw in those days. War pictures are a no-no and all this dragging up of the war years on the TV is abhorrent to me. What's past is past. From my point of view you did a good job with your poem and that 's how it was. cheers, Cas

Re: In Memory

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:36 am
by David J Delaney
Trace wrote:Sadly too many of that generation are passing with stories not fully told. Its good to play a part in keeping some of it alive.
You hit the nail on the head here Trace & as for your poem, what a beauty, brought a lump to my throat eh! the underground did a fantastic job where ever they were throughout Europe, even Capt. Reg Saunders was was saved from the Isle of Crete disaster by the underground.

Re: In Memory

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:43 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day Trace...
Your poem is not only an honest tribute to a hero and a family member, it is also well written. I suspect we will see some very good poems posted by you.
Well done and welcome to the ABPA mob.

Cheers, Will.