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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8105
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast


Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:20 am

Yasu to all our mates up the top end...do hope you all came through the blow ok. Did think about naming this poem The
Big Blow :lol: but thought that might be inappropriate so decided that perhaps Yasu which is Greek for Hello might be more suitable

Yasu Yasi

‘I say, I say’ said Yasi – ‘lets pay Queensland a visit.
Let’s go and have a holiday up north.
Our cousins went to Brisbane and to Ipswich – floody fun,
so let’s check out the top end – back and forth.

We won’t be there for very long – the trip there will be longer
as we have to travel far across the sea.
It seems that we are welcome – they are all out there in force
waiting for us – all prepared to some degree.

We’re coming in with quite a bang, a Chinese New Year celebration -
lots of noise to chase the bad spirits away.
We’re waving palms and other trees – creating consternation
and whipping up big seas - what a display..

We’ve done the coast, we’re heading west, we’ve heard about the Isa
though don’t think that any have been there before.
We’re dropping lots of rain along the land as we pass
I reckon we’ll be remembered for sure.

The locals – well we had them bluffed – that's not easy to do.
and many of them gathered in the town.
They’d been through blows before – so were quite well prepared
with generators, torches, food – bottles of brown.

Oh did I scare the pants off you – I’m such a naughty boy
You never knew just what I'd really do.
Just as well to be prepared – no time to have doubts
‘cause my power it seems is much bigger than you.

And did I hear two babes were born? Well isn’t that a blessing
though I bet that neither of them bears my name.
Glad Mums and bubs are all OK – oh I was only messing
though I seem to have caused damage just the same.

Oh well I guess we’ve had our fun – soon will be time to leave.
So sorry for the mess we’ve left behind.
We’ll send a little tidal surge to wash all your streets clean
or maybe not – we’re out of breath – so never mind.’

Maureen Clifford © 02/11
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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