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Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:46 pm
by r.magnay
Yeah I know Zondrae, everyone gives you a hard time about a statement you made once or twice and they won't let you live it down, well I wrote a horse poem and everyone got excited until they read it! ....they just said,"Oh that sort of horse, ho hum." Anyway it was on the old site and I havn't got any new ones so here it is again.

Six Hundred Horses
© Ross Magnay 4/12/09

Six hundred horses snorting; all captured in one Cat,
determined they will shift their heavy load,
smoke puffs from their nostrils as the driver finds the gears,
the trailers start to snake onto the road,
Sixty tyres behind the steer lay down a dusty track,
the dollies guide the trailers on their course,
this is the modern drover yes the Clancy of today,
long gone now; the saddle, whip and horse.

The dust then starts to billow as the wheels begin to roll;
the driver is still climbing through the gears,
some crackle on the radio then gets a message through,
a little conversation with his peers.
Then quickly check the gauges as he slips it into top,
a final puff of smoke to sign the deal,
he’s now at full momentum and can settle in a bit;
relax and simply operate the wheel.

But soon the hills are looming and the revs begin to drop,
the horses in the Cat are working tough,
Another puff of smoke will tell another gears been picked,
the driver doubts that one will be enough.
But the horse’s traces tighten and the governor opens up;
the tacho tells the story as she goes,
The driver grabs the gear back as they top the dusty rise;
this is power a drover never knows.

At last they reach the highway and he reins the horses in,
it’s time to check the rig and restless load,
survey the situation and then climb back in the cab,
and get this unit back out on the road.
And the miles are soon behind them as the horses gallop on;
the tyres hum a tune upon the tar,
he’s headed for the city and to get these cattle off,
then stand just like a drover at the bar!

Re: Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:48 pm
by Dave Smith
Mate I love that, Cats, Horse power, Tires or tracks, I used to get a yellow injection ever morning before climbing on board after all this time I still miss the smell of diesel smoke. And the clattering of machinery tracks.

TTFN 8-)

Re: Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:55 pm
by warooa
yeah good stuff Ross . . . I remember this gem from the old days - Love it! Especially "the horse's traces tighten and the governer opens up".

Cheers, Marty

Re: Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:09 pm
by Heather
I remember this one from the "old days" too Ross. It's still good,

Heather :)

Re: Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:40 pm
by Zondrae
Goodonya Ross,

I tried to slip a 'motor' into a competition that had a section on 'horse power' and I received a commended award. However it wasn't for the engine poem but it's mate that was one about mountain horses. I'll have a poke around and see if I have posted it yet. If not, I will. It is called 'Snow Ponies' I think. (I'll stick the other one in too)

Re: Horse poems.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:10 pm
by David J Delaney
G'dat Ross, yep I remember this one well. love it eh! nothin wrong with them horses under the bonnet. ;)