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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:27 pm
by Terry
This little poem started out life as homework that Zondrae had put up at BPAV. I always liked it for some reason and have entered it twice in comps for HC and a C.
I Borrowed my wife's name as it rhymed with moon, and come on fella's, If we owned a boat wouldn't we all name it after our wives? Terry


I stumbled first onto the wreck one brightly moonlit night,
beached partly out of water at a spot well out of sight.
And something made me stop to look more closely at this boat,
abandoned for some reason, at this place that’s so remote.

She’d been a jewel within her class, of that I had no doubt,
and once a thing of beauty built on classic lines throughout.
Now timbers bleached and paintwork ravaged by the wind and sea,
a mere shadow of her past, and what she used to be.

The lichen hung like tresses of an aging beauty’s hair,
bright silver in the moonlight though streaked darker here and there.
By torch light on the darkened side now hidden from the moon,
I found a faded ship’s name; she was called the Valma June.

The movement of the water seemed to whisper then to me,
as though to tell a secret of an unsolved mystery.
And water lapped upon the hull like signals from within,
suggesting people trapped below as water rushes in.

I climbed up by her mast and viewed her deck from where I stood,
and saw the shattered timbers, now a splintered pile of wood.
Then heard a sound like footsteps and slight creaking down below,
perhaps imagination, but I guess I’ll never know.

A feeling of great sadness seemed to wash right over me,
as though I sensed disaster that had happened out at sea.
Perhaps this ship had foundered with great panic and in fear,
and secrets lay forgotten in this battered hulk beached here.

As long as I stood on that boat this feeling did persist,
and heightened by arrival of a swirling evening mist.
Reluctantly I clambered down and made my way to camp,
still touched by my experience; the night now chilled and damp.

Next morning saw me wander back to bid a last farewell,
the mood had now been broken, she no longer cast her spell.
I didn’t climb aboard again; just stood and looked once more,
and left her as I found her, derelict upon the shore.

T.E.Piggott © 16/3/2010 I found her name now faded she was called the Valma June


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:54 am
by Leonie
Good to see you made it here Terry. I've read this poem before but it's one of those that you can read again and again it's so lovely. Well done.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:40 am
by David J Delaney
G'day Terry, love this eh! If only those old vessels could talk.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:07 am
by Heather
Absolutely beautiful Terry. It has a haunting quality to it. I especially like the last stanza. Congratulations on your wins at Cervantes.

Heather :)


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:09 am
by Heather
Heather wrote:Absolutely beautiful Terry. It has a haunting quality to it. I especially like the last stanza. Congratulations on your wins at Cervantes. Are you going to post The Ugly Side of Drought?

Heather :)


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:23 pm
by Terry
Thanks Leonie, Dave, Heather,
Glad you enjoyed it.

Cheers Terry


Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:32 am
by Zondrae
G'day Terry,

Told you it was a good one. I do recall this topic. My poem from this one has also turned out a beauty. Hasn't won anything yet, but I love it even if others don't. Still under consideration so not available for posting.

As I am a great lover of the night sky and moonlight, I can picture your beloved boat as though she is just outside my window. Well written and great word pictures. I liked it at first and I still like it with all the tinkering. Obviously a subject close to your heart.


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:48 pm
by Terry
G/day Zondrae and thanks,
That subject you posted always appealed to me, it brought back memories of a lovely little sheltered cove type bay that had the remains an old shipwreck at one end, although in reality there was little left of that old wreck. The spot in question is a beautiful place and a favourite one of mine where I have often sat and fished.
Hope your poem does well and I look forward to reading it sometime in the future.

Cheers Terry


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:49 pm
by warooa
G'day Terry . . . I enjoyed The Valma June - chipping away at the new works on here after the break. Yours are alway ones to look forward to. What are you up to for summer? Prospecting, fishing, resting or travelling? Whatever, mate keep the quill on the go. Thanks.



Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:22 am
by Terry
Thanks Marty,
I've finished prospecting for the year, but it will be full on again next year.
Have been doing a bit of fishing (trout) and have just bought a new Caravan,
Well not really new, but a big improvement on my battered old prospecting van.
So will probably do a bit of traveling, hope to catch up with a few forum people
next year when I'm over that way, eventually ending in Canberra where my Daughter
and family live.

Cheers Terry