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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8097
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast


Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:17 pm

CHILDREN OF THE SIXTIES. Maureen Clifford © 03/10

Twin children of the sixties, known as Flora and Fauna,
unusual names were rampant in these hippy days.
The world was full of Rainbows, Sunnys, Storms and Autumns .
And so a different name did not most folks amaze.

At times unusual names appeared to cause some confusion.
Was the child boy or girl? Non gender names on the increase.
You can spell anything you like just any way you want too.
And it matters not if others are not pleased.

But kids grow up, people move on, and 'cross the world are changes
happening , it seems to be that way everywhere we go.
Some are good and some are bad and some just rearranging
of the way things were, a global reconfiguring I suppose.

The winds of change came here - in 1967 they blew through
and the Government and the people had decided
Flora and Fauna now were people, just like me and you.
And no longer would be racially derided.

Oh I'm sorry, did words lead astray ? You thought that was their name.
Flora and Fauna?... No that was just their description.
Yes they were species Aboriginal and not considered human
but allowed to fight in wars without conscription.

The girls name was Alkira, they named her for the sky
where the Spirits of the Dreamtime had their home.
The boy they named Mandu for the sun that shone each day
each one part of the other, not alone.

And just as everywhere their parents felt they had been blessed
with these two sweet innocent babes as black as coals.
Parental love was as enduring as a waterfalls outpouring
for the Parents knew that these babies had souls.

They were not Flora and Fauna, they were breathing living beings
of species Homo sapiens, and not animal or tree.
And though not blessed with possessions, love they had in plenty
and these two were loved by everyone in their big family.

They knew their Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents and Cousins.
Knew their skin and knew their song and knew their own country.
Learned about their culture, respected their Tribal elders
Alkira and Mandu grew up to be strong proud Aborigines.

Mandu is a Doctor, working for the Brothers
and the Sisters in the Territory. For some there life is tough.
Alkira is a lawyer, working out of Brisbane.
She topped her class at Uni, though she found the going rough.

Two children of the sixties, known as Flora and Fauna ....................
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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