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Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:44 am
by Bellobazza
Friends in High Places 12/01/2011
© Will Moody 2010

Friends in high places, your time is at hand.
Your neighbours are hurting across this great land.
Now is the hour...don't dwell at the gate.
Reach out if you're able and help out a mate.

The forces of nature conspire to destroy
the peace and the comfort we're used to enjoy.
Thousands of people are exiled from home;
their precious mementos beneath the flood's foam.

Cold, wet and hungry; bewildered and lost,
and yet to be faced with the aftermath's cost.
Reach out to your neighbour if you can help out.
Friends in high's your turn to shout.

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:48 am
by Heather
Well said Will. Australians being what they are, will always step up to the plate to help. I guess we just have to wait for the waters to recede. Don't forget those in WA who lost homes yesterday. :)


Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:05 am
by Heather
Na, ne, ne, na, na! :lol:

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:12 am
by Bellobazza
G'day Marty...
Yeah, pretty soggy here too, but nothing compared to others. Just another high tide for us. nice. Looks like you are about to get another dose too. And you were worried about the fire risk from all that feed drying off! Keep your tootsies dry.

Cheers, Will.

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:38 am
by Heather
He started it....!

Do you get flooded there Will? I was thinking of you too. I'll have to go and look up a map to see exactly where you are. It has been raining here again too but it has been light and really refreshing. We're expecting a dumping in the next day or so.

It is still very green here which is very unusual for this time of the year. I must admit to feelig a bit more relaxed than I do most summers.

Heather :)

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:10 pm
by Terry
G/day Will,
A good one mate, with a good message.

You're getting flooded out over your way (more or less the whole eastern seaboard at one time or another)
We have had a double dose in some areas over here - dry as ever around Perth, but we do have arsonist tearing
all around the place burning people out, unbelievable isn't it?

Cheers Terry

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:33 pm
by Bellobazza
G'day Terry...
The fires have been well reported here too. Although the floods are dominating attention, those who have lost their homes in WA are in our thoughts also. I hope the laws in relation to arson have been beefed up in WA as they have in other states. I'm sure we all hope that these low-lifes are caught and punished in an appropriate manner. Trouble is, I'm not sure what is appropriate for someone who would knowingly put people at risk of dying in bushfire.

Cheers, Will.

Re: Friends in High Places

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:08 pm
by Neville Briggs
A good point Will. Well written poem.

I was wondering about what the friends in high Green places might have to offer since they are so concerned with the environmental matters. All I hear is a deafening silence.
