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Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:12 pm
by Maureen K Clifford

They’ve done the hard yards, fought the fires and fears, gone on with life
and soldiered on as people do to through drought, floods, fires and strife.
Now this community has bonded – each has become their neighbours strength
and friendships forged then still hold fast, and the time seems of no length.

At Kinglake one night they partied – for all had stories to tell.
Tales of hope and love and courage – tales of hot black fiery hell.
Tales of losses shared and heartbreak, homes burnt down to tin and ash.
Stories of bravery under fire – as fires turned towns to trash.

They had dinner, and conversation – Belly dancing just for fun.
Those who swivelled hips and tits were surely not to be outdone.
The laughter was what was needed – and a chance of reconnection
with their spirits undiminished – they’d soon start the re erection.

One lady told how her home burned down to the ground that night.
Her garden was her pride and joy – but now it looked a fright
but she said now golden daffodils are pushing through the soil
and this little touch of yellow gives reward for all the toil.

Flowerdale alone lost thirteen souls. Two hundred homes were razed
by the fiery enemy whose hot breath set their town ablaze
and yet despite the black destruction that was seen for miles around
a symbol of hope had flourished and now reunited the town.

A stark black skeleton appeared – a tree with but one leaf
of brightest green, to symbolize the hope and sheer belief
that from the ashes they would rise again – go forth and carry on
the Flowerdale tattoo symbolized this, and honoured those now gone.

Whole families embraced the cause – the oldest eighty five.
They had the symbol tattooed on their skin – all wore it with pride.
It has helped bond the community – this black tree with one leaf
and they’ve started now rebuilding and that too eases grief.

Such a very simple gesture, such a very simple thought
but ideas like this are often all that’s needed when we’re fraught,
to instil a sense of courage, a determination to win:
which explains why folks of Flowerdale have trees tattooed on their skin.

Maureen Clifford © 01/11

Fires ravaged the areas around King Lake and Flowerdale in February 2009. The residents are now rebuilding their town, and the blackened trees that surrounded the area have started to regenerate – one leaf at a time.


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:20 pm
by Heather
Very nice Maureen. There has been some great community spirit since the fires. (There have been problems too but that's another story). Flowerdale holds belly dancing classes each week and it attracts a large number of people - it is a huge amount of fun and it helps people to forget and most importantly, to laugh. The fires brought people together in a way nothing but a disaster can. My closest friends are now people I have met because of the bushfire. I met fire fighters from Kinglake who were elsewhere fighting the fires and couldn't get back to their own town and consequently lost about 24 homes from the one brigade. Wonderful, community minded people. They are my heroes.

Heather :)


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:53 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Thanks for the heads up Heather - fixed that. Does that mean you bought a Firies Calender :lol:

They certainly are heroes but then everybody who has gone through the things this country is throwing at us is a bloody hero in my book - apart from the dead set idiots who expect others to save them from their own stupidity.




Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:02 pm
by Heather
There's a calendar? Cool, sign me up! :lol:

Know what you mean. Watching the news tonight with idiots diving into the flood waters off buildings. And then someone has to go and rescue them!